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Edited By KronikKilla

237 Points less in CPU Score, 146 difference in score on 3D Mark, not a big deal. $200 difference in price. A very big deal. That's $200 that could be spent elsewhere, like on a second 3850.

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Edited By KronikKilla

Yea, Hassan, sure you do. And I have quad SLi Geforce 9900 Ultra 2GB cards and dual AMD Phenom +8000's. Why do people feel the need to lie about their systems? Intel C2D6300 1GB G.Skill BFG GeForce 7600GT Asus P5N SLi and I get pretty good framerates with med/high settings at 720p.

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Edited By KronikKilla

Sony should have definetly worked on incorporating a cellular phone into the PSP. They're phones are always nice (have had 3 different ones) and they could've partnered with AT&T to offer a special gaming option on to your cell phone plan where you're allowed unlimited internet connection for gaming/web browsing/Go! Text messaging for $14.99 a month or something of that nature. It would push the PSP to the fore-front of the hand held world in terms of connectivity. A device that can access the net, switch to WiFi when at home/Starbucks, play quality games, mp3s, watch movies, browse/play games over the internet, instant message, make phone calls, etc. all in one device, I think alot of our demographic (18-34 Males) and gamers in general would definetly own one. Plus it would be the first phone to force people to go hands free. Gotta be able to still play games when someone calls, right?

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Edited By KronikKilla

Just like the 360 Elite, the redesign is to pull in new customers, not to make the old ones go out and buy a "new" system. And since it is lighter, and thinner, I'm sure they have probably cut production costs on the unit itself to make it more profitable. I've always like the PSP, and now that it has TV out, I may just be getting one come September. PS2 ports aren't a bad thing, since I don't own a PS2.

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Edited By KronikKilla

Can't wait for Team Fortress 2 for 360. **The Radeon HD 2000 GPU is ATI's first unified shader architecture for the desktop, but it's actually a second-generation design. ATI's first unified shader was the "Xenos" GPU built for the Xbox 360. **

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Edited By KronikKilla

N64 graphics were never that good on account of the fog. Mario 64 and Mario Kart had some good graphics. So did F-Zero.

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Edited By KronikKilla

The dash keeps getting better and better. Wonder how much that little keyboard thing is gonna cost me.

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Edited By KronikKilla

The PS3 is by no means ahead of the 360, not in launch date, not in technology provided. This war has been and will always be decided by software fellas, sorry. Kutragi and Moore can go on and on about this and that but what it comes down to is who provides the best expierience for the consumer, and right now that is the Xbox 360. The network is more stable, the system has most of the bugs and kinks worked out, its cheaper, and offers quite a few more games, including quite a few exclusive titles, with a ton more on the way. Does that mean the PS3 is a bad system, or is going to fail? Hell no. The PS3 has a bunch of great games on the horizon, and a few out already. Their netowrk will stabilize with firmware and OS updates just as Live did a few months after release. The Sixaxsis will become a more prominent feature and will be utilized more. If they unlock the graphics power to independent developers, it will become the system of choice for homebrew. It all comes down to what you enjoy playing, not what its played on. Fanboys are merely victims of branding and advertising. When jumping off of tall buildings and bridges comes into fashion, they will be first in line.

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Edited By KronikKilla

First, I gotta say, WHAT UP JUGGALO MCL IN HERE! to Ninjajuggalo. Now that that's out of the way. :) Chainblast, I would definetely look into the 360, it is a very good console with alot of the so called "killer apps" coming just in time for the PS3 and Wii. Microsoft took a much different appproach with this system. They knew that the PS3 and Wii would be coming sometime this year, and they chose to fight the console war with software. (Look at the first projected release for Gears of War, it was originally slated for Q2 06, which is when the PS3 was originally supposed to launch). My main problem with MS is that the Xbox Live Arcade continuously has games pushed back because of MS' extremely stringent guideline (the game has to be 50MB or less) that causes games to be delayed (see HoopWorld). I agree with you, Canada does get the pricing bone on alot of things, not just games, which I find odd. Is it tax or something like that? Never the less, $5 USD is a stretch for a 20 year old game. I am hoping they further announce that these games will have re-vamped graphics and online play, otherwise they most likely won't sell that many games on VC. I will pay $20 for GoldenEye with online play. $40 if it has better graphics. ;)

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Edited By KronikKilla

Ishann... +500, you hit the nail on the head with that comment. Everyone gets caught up about HD and all the tech of a console, but forget that games are supposed to be fun. And for some odd reason, I haven't heard anyone mention Red Steel. That game is going to be great. ExciteTruck is also going to be great. There are alot of games that will be awesome on this system. The Virtual Console, I love the idea, but as others have said, the pricing is a little steep. If all games released have improvements in graphics, than I could easily pay that much, but if they are the EXCAT game, then they should be half the price. To respond to the Gamecube 2.5 moniker some people are using, Nintendo is testing the waters, much like Microsoft did with the first Xbox. Of course they want the system to be successful, but if its not, you don't want to lose millions in marketing and R&D for a system that might not pan out. If the Wii-mote doesn't catch on, Nintendo will go back to a traditional system, just like they did with the Virtual Boy. If that would've caught on, I'm sure Nintendo's portable would be much different. If the DS hadn't caught on, they would've just designed a tradtional successor to the Advanced, with better graphics etc. etc. Nintendo will also be making profit on these things, so as soon as its not turning a profit, they will move on to the next design. Maybe it will be more traditional if the Wii-mote dosen't catch on, or maybe it will be a much more powerful system utilizing the new controller. Don't be suprised if this sytem gets upgrqaded much quicker than the 360 and PS3.

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