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#1 Koga_316
Member since 2006 • 180 Posts

1-Whats the difference between a sunni and a shia'h?

2-If the sunnis sided with u.s. troops like someone here said why would u.s. troops accept that ? arent the sunnis the ones that attack and oppress the shiah's ?

3-If America were to leave Iraq now,who would govern Iraq ? (whose doing it now ?) sunnis ? shia'hs ?

4-Why do the terroists (Al Quaeda/Hezbollah etc...) hate america so much ?

5-Are the following countries our allies,enemies,or neutral and why do they hate america if they do? Japan,China,Iran,Pakistan,Isreal

6-France and Brittian are asking for a sanction on Iran's nuclear arms gathering....what does a sanction mean ? are they gonna like try to go to war with Iran or something ?

7-If there are so many terroists in Pakistan/Afghanistan then why doesnt the afghan/pakistan government do something about it ?

8-Is saudi arabia a country that the king gets rich off u.s. buying their oil but their people are poor and hate the king,but cant do anything because u.s. protects the king of saudi arabia ? or am i thinking of another country ?

uh sorry for all the questions lol

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#2 Koga_316
Member since 2006 • 180 Posts

Want but not willing to spend $$ on:

Ninja Gaiden Sigma (have original)

Heavenly Sword (good but not worth more then a rent IMO)

WarHawk (dont feel like buying it even though it looks preety good)

Resistance (beat it too many times after borrowing from friend)

Am getting:

Resident Evil 5

God of War 3

Grand Theft Auto 4

Resistance 2

Metal Gear Solid 4

Lost Planet

Splinter Cell Double Agent


Rainbow Six Vegas (TERRIBLE GAME)

Had FEAR but returned it (even worse game)

Devil May Cry 4


Assassins Creed

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#3 Koga_316
Member since 2006 • 180 Posts
after they get old ? Maybe its just in my area but i spent all of yesterday afternoon looking for a ps3 game (double agent) all the stores (even gamestop) didnt have it. they only had the new releases....after the games get old you cant find em anymore. I found serveral copies of the same game for 360 though... with the 360 you can find games from launch...
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#4 Koga_316
Member since 2006 • 180 Posts

Which is better ? I seen the pack of all 3 hitmen and thought it might be worth trying out...

as for splinter cell i played da but that was the xboxs version,isnt the next gens completely different ? thats how it was with GRAW

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#5 Koga_316
Member since 2006 • 180 Posts

And when is it coming out ?

I hope they make it good....I liked the whole samurai thing on the previous 2 but graphics werent too good -_-

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#6 Koga_316
Member since 2006 • 180 Posts

Was this game only on shelves for a limited time? I can't find it anywhere, and its only on Gamestop used. WTF? Is downloading my only option?boostud

Get Uncharted instead god i cant recommend this game enough

also ive been to a few stores and seen it,like target best buy and i think new a gs

just get it used or look around im sure your just not looking hard enough

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#7 Koga_316
Member since 2006 • 180 Posts

If I get an HDMI cable for the ps3 will it make my ps2 games high definition (Ps2 games being played on ps3 using ps3's backwards compatibility)

And do you need an HDMI cable to get high definition while playing blu-ray movies ?

can you play blu ray movies on a standard display tv without hdmi cables and get high definition picture ?

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#8 Koga_316
Member since 2006 • 180 Posts

Whoa scary wall of text.

But I did read the whole thing because I am not an ass.

I am not sure where you are going I was following the Hashashins vs. Ninjas part but then it went on to something about Mongels and there super shirts of impenetrability (is that a word? well it is now)

IMO Hashashins were more crazy then Ninjas.


Ninjas were cooler though

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#9 Koga_316
Member since 2006 • 180 Posts
I've been playing Assassin's Creed alot and I actually liked it... Like I always say,it should have been ninjas though...Thats why Im thinking of renting one of the Tenchu games,even though everyone says they s**k. Thats what alot of people said about Assassin's Creed,which is preety good. Hashshashins actually existed.They were shi'ahs (spelling ?) who took hash before going into suicide missions against the sunnis.They are also the first known group of assassins in history. Ninjas are way more awesome though. Me and my friend got into a talk about this....He said Spartans or Samurais Who were the mongols ? Everytime I hear of them I hear how they conquered/defeated preety much everyone... they were the ones who killed off the Hashshashins and their the reason the great wall of china was built... I remember hearing that when they invaded Europe in the middle ages,a bunch of european nations stopped fighting each other to fight each other to unite against the mongols...the mongols were wearing silk shirts that did not rip,even after being struck by arrows.It pierced theyre skin but it did not rip the shirt so it could not kill because it wouldnt penetrate deep enough (dont quote me on any of this,like I said its just what I heard).The point is,how freaky would it be if you were at war and shot and arrow at someone and they just pulled the arrow out of his own heart and kept fighting...
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#10 Koga_316
Member since 2006 • 180 Posts
this may be old news,but I was at gamestop and they had a list of all upcoming games... MGS4 was said to come in June (i think it was the 17th) This surprised me cuz i thought MGS4 didnt have a release date yet...and no it did not say anything about coming to the 360 obviously... maybe gs lied but i doubt it