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#1 JyePhye
Member since 2004 • 6173 Posts

@comp_atkins said:

physical ability: generally no, each have own strengths and weaknesses

intelligence: generally yes but think differently

attractiveness: this is subjective, so no way to answer

Pretty much this. When it comes to importance to society, or worth, or worthiness of human rights and societal equality, there is no difference whatsoever, nor should there be, and pure equality necessarily must exist.

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#2  Edited By JyePhye
Member since 2004 • 6173 Posts

@i_return: I've been away from my computer for a couple days and haven't had a chance to reply, but I think this is an important conversation to have and I appreciate you providing such a thoughtful counterargument. My reply might be a little long so I'll try and break it up into chunks for clarity's sake:

  1. There are many mental conditions which, once "turned on", can never go away. Among these are schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder; only the symptoms of these conditions can be treated. So if homosexuality were to be an irreversible condition, it would not be the only one as such... however homosexuality does not fall under the same classification as these conditions, nor any other irreversible condition. Homosexuality isn't even really classified as a condition, but as I explained earlier, rather as a type of behavior amongst the whole spectrum of human sexual behavior. One can engage in homosexual behavior during a certain period in their life, and then switch to heterosexual behavior, and vice versa. As an example, there are plenty of persons who experiment sexually throughout high-school and even more commonly during college, but who after having engaged in various homosexual behaviors end up turning exclusively to heterosexual behaviors for the rest of their lives. Hence sexuality as a spectrum, along which any individual may travel during the course of their life.
  2. Homosexuality frequently occurs in nature, and is therefore as reasonably "natural" as any other aspect of sexuality in any animal known to science. Let's please put a rest to that argument, because the debate over "natural or unnatural" has at this point descended into mere semantics.
  3. Societies where homosexuality is not discussed or is outright suppressed as a topic of discussion are societies where greater levels of sexual repression (and psychological issues arising from that repression) occur, because these same societies choose to suppress discussion of sexuality in general. A lower quality of life ensues.
  4. World population levels are, for lack of a better term, skyrocketing. It is almost statistically impossible, barring some major worldwide catastrophe like plague, mass famine or nuclear war, that population growth could ever stagnate over the next half-century. Beyond that point, threats of drought and food shortage are likely to be real concerns; not population stagnation due to some homosexuality boom. Likewise, it is statistically inconceivable that homosexuality could overtake heterosexuality as the sexuality norm within the next century, beyond which point sexual reproduction as we know it might become irrelevant anyway due to sufficient scientific advances. But even if we were to imagine your proposed scenario where homosexuals become the majority, a serious threat of population halting is unlikely due to artificial insemination. In case you haven't noticed, there are tons of homosexual couples who are becoming parents by way of this miraculous technology!
  5. Aside from your purely speculative argument about a homosexuality boom hurting population growth, you have presented no argument indicative of any other harmful effect of homosexuals on society; because the idea of homosexuality as contagious is likewise unfounded, with you having no statistical or scientific evidence to prove that homosexuality is contagious in any way at all.
  6. The solution to problems with Western sexual culture is drastically improved sex education. That simple. It is statistically proven that higher rates of sex education lead to fewer cases of STD transmission and fewer cases of unwanted pregnancy. Do away with abstinence only programs and teach developing adults about the realities and dangers of sex. Problem (mostly) solved.
  7. You are completely off base on the masturbation thing. Scientific research has shown that masturbating at least once a week actually helps reduce symptoms of depression, as a by-product of health benefits from masturbation, and directly through the release of endorphins during masturbation.
  8. Sexual exploration is an inherent biological impulse of children, adolescents, and adults. Psychology tells us that parents who strongly limit these impulses, outside of limitations for safety reasons, can actually cause children psychological harm and halt psychological development (e.g. constantly telling a child not to touch themselves is linked to issues with personal insecurity into adulthood).
  9. Every human being is not, by default, heterosexual. By default, we are simply carriers of the whole array of sexual potentials, from homosexual to bisexual to heterosexual to pansexual to asexual to everything in between. Anyone can be anything.
  10. Technically, homosexuality in an individual does affect the genes, just as the choice to smoke or constantly ride a dirt bike affects the genes. This is a very complicated scientific concept that would take a really long time to get into here, so I'll just suggest you look up epigenetics if you want to learn more about what I'm referring to. Needless to say, everything we do affects our genes.
  11. A difference in culture doesn't mean much when discussing scientific and statistical facts. Just because there's a general sentiment in Eastern culture doesn't mean it's factually true. What is factually true is that repression of homosexuality in many Eastern cultures produces issues not only of individual sexual repression, but also of oftentimes flagrant human rights abuses. Homosexuals in much of the Eastern world are regarded as second class citizens who can, in many instances, be put to death or imprisoned for homosexual acts. If anyone is in the right from a basic ethical standpoint on this issue, I hate to say it, but it's the West.
  12. There is no factually based or safety relevant issue for suppressing homosexuality. The only arguments against homosexuality are those based purely in opinion, with no support from scientific, statistical, or factual evidence of any kind. Proponents of any kind of suppression of homosexuality need to own up to this inevitable conclusion and stop trying to purport their arguments as anything other than mere conjecture.
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#3  Edited By JyePhye
Member since 2004 • 6173 Posts

Nevermind, lock this turd.

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#4  Edited By JyePhye
Member since 2004 • 6173 Posts

....Could you at least give us a time in the video when he's playing?

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#5  Edited By JyePhye
Member since 2004 • 6173 Posts

Can't do it any other way. Agree.

South Park > Simpsons

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#6 JyePhye
Member since 2004 • 6173 Posts

You're darn tootin. Agree.

Empire Strikes Back > A New Hope = Return of the Jedi > Revenge of the Sith > Attack of the Clones = The Phantom Menace

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#7 JyePhye
Member since 2004 • 6173 Posts

She is perfectly within her right saying what she did. And yes, we have a guns violence problem in this country. But if the intent of her message -- or similar messages from others -- is to encourage stricter gun control policies in this country, then she may be mistaken.

Taking the ability to purchase guns away from ordinary citizens will not limit gun violence.

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#8 JyePhye
Member since 2004 • 6173 Posts

Here's some advice: don't.

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#9 JyePhye
Member since 2004 • 6173 Posts

@crimsonbrute said:
@konvikt_17 said:

every driver should know how to use their blinkers.

you would be amazed how many drivers neglect to use them, and it pisses me off to no end.

That as well as reading and understanding speed limit signs.

Amen. Also knowing that cutting across multiple lanes of traffic is reckless.

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#10 JyePhye
Member since 2004 • 6173 Posts

That video is... baffling. Wtf is he even going on about???