InFaMoUsInTeNsE's comments

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Edited By InFaMoUsInTeNsE

"Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at fanboyism at it's finest, or rather, ugliest. There is no biased here sir, they are stating fact. Sony has screwed up on the PS3. Period. To think other wise is foolish. Price tag, exclusive game titles, Europe in general, sixaxis. The list goes on brother. Give them credit for the PS2, but acknowledge that they took that credit and ran with it ... straight in to a wall." Yes we are... it's YOU. Re-read my original post please. Wait.. i'll quote it for you: "Yet more biased opinions from gamespot & it's community of xbots. First they don't review ps3 games with the HDMI cable, then they post an xbox 360 trialer for the ps3 version of the game Battlefield: Bad Company and now these biased interviews/opinions. And as always xbox fanboys posting their useless comments to get a dig at us." If you care to read through the following (at your own speed, acutally READ it) (quotes from a forum): Originaly posted by forum member: "Whats funny is that they didn't even review the guy who does the playstation newsletters for gamespot. Surely his opinion would have been in support for Sony and thats probaly why the didn't get his opinion." Originaly posted by Gamespot staff: "Compare those games already out on the rival consoles with the PS3's launch lineup, and there's not really much to get worked up about now, with the possible exception of MotorStorm. " Forum member in response to the above: "The guy who said this in the interview must have never heard of Resistance: Fall Of Man." Another fourm member in response to the above forum member's comments: "Or pretty much any other PS3 title. And the snowmobil game they showed in the picture with the caption 'This isn't the sort of game your PS3 was made for' isn't even a proper game, it's an optional game..." Posted from the above forum member: "Exactly. They really cheese me off sometimes and everyone on the forums is American and dumb and loves M$. M$ are fine at making computers and the 360 is a great games console but they can't say one good word about them [Sony]. That's why I like this forum. The people here can appreciate other consoles and any Americans on here are down to earth and intelligent." Another forum members comments on the article: "Well clearly they are all biased in that interview because it's one thing having an opinion (even if your opinion is biased) but they take it further by all the pictures and captions they put up there as well. Not one word of support for ps3 in that article whatsoever. On the other hand, ps3 gamers know that the xbox is a good machine and that the wii is good in it's ways too (by bringing more casual gamers into the scene) however, we don't go arround bashing their console of choice do we? That was one of the reasons I don't be on gamespot much, beacuse there is nothing but xbots on their posting usless comments on every news article there is (even if it's good news for Sony) and when I try to defend the ps3 they call me a fanboy. BTW just wondering if any of you saw gamespot post a news article on the SDK update that allows horizontal scaling for the ps3? I never saw it being mentioned and when I did a quick search, I didn't find a trace of it." Original post that started the thread in the forum: "http://www[dot]forums[dot]e-mpire[dot]com/showthread.php?t=69689 Behold. It really is pathetic when both IGN and Gamespot have fanboys on the payroll who are supposed to be professionals." Maybe you are the fanboy in all of this. As you can see, the posts come from a forum where ps3 members can admit the xbox and the wii is good in their own ways, have played them so their views aren't fanboyish like you claim. Heck even I admited that on there too. We all know ps3 has had it's share of screw-up''s but everyone on here (especialy xbots) have to have a "dig" and bash the ps3 at every chance they get.

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Edited By InFaMoUsInTeNsE

Yet more biased opinions from gamespot & it's community of xbots. First they don't review ps3 games with the HDMI cable, then they post an xbox 360 trialer for the ps3 version of the game Battlefield: Bad Company and now these biased interviews/opinions. And as always xbox fanboys posting their useless comments to get a dig at us.

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Edited By InFaMoUsInTeNsE

@ Jonster49 What do you mean "no one can deny that previous Sony systems havent been much fun at all" ? I think that sony's systems have all been fun esp the ps2. I spent hours every day having fun on the ps2 playing games with my friends. Like everyone in the neighbourhood had one and had great fun playing it. I think that all sony systems were fun back in their day and hopefully the ps3 will be too when game developers learn how to take full advantage of it's capabilites.