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#1 Immortal_Zarok
Member since 2006 • 314 Posts

Well yes religion has much power, but as science expands religion decreases as we can now scientifically explain things that religion use to try to explain.

Most Christians haven't even truly read the bible, there's a lot of mentions murder rape and slavery in the name of god, especially in the old testament. It says we should kill woman who are raped, disobedient children, homosexuals, people who don't follow their religion, and much more killing.

There's also some guy Pastor Fred W. Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church, who has websites like, this last one I can't post without it being censored, but it's godhates a word that starts f and ends with ag and is a word for insulting homosexualsHe believes that God loving everyone is a lie created by the Devil.

Also the churches don't have to pay taxes, and what good do they truly do for us, some people us religion as an excuse for their actions, that god wants them to do it, that's what the bible is full of, excuses for murder, rape and slavery, though most of that is in the old testament.

At this web address there's a video that proves my point further

But despite all the horrible things done in the name of religion, I think some people need religion. They need something to believe in, hope that their dead loved ones will be happy and comfortable where they are now, and that there is something waiting for them in their own deaths. So to make dying easier they need religion, cause for most the idea of death being no longer existing is too much. Also a lot of people use religion to explain what they cannot understand. Also perhaps we like to think through religion that our life holds some sort of purpose.

The only real problem is when religion is used to control people, often through fear. That's why hell was created, so they can say if you don't believe what we believe, and live how we tell you to live you'll go to hell. Also it's often used to justify their actions, because murder in the name of god makes alright to kill, as long it's for god.

But religions not the problem, just the way some people use religion.

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#2 Immortal_Zarok
Member since 2006 • 314 Posts

Could have something to do with any shampoo, or whatever you use on your hair. When I was using that Head and Shoulders anti dandruff shampoo, and conditioner,I had a lot of hair coming out, as soon as I switched shampoo it stopped. Also the shampoo and conditioner I think it's Palmolivehair repair, or something like that.

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