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Member since 2004 • 25 Posts

Hopefully this is the forum to ask for help. Don't want too much help here, just enough for me to go, "Oh yeah, stupid!" and then get on gaming with minimum spoil. Dig? So I'm playing Metroid Other M and have been running around Sector 1 for what seems like an eternity and I can't get anywhere. Argh! I renlent and am now asking for help. Help please! I'm obviously missing something.

If this helps, I'm at the room right after a save portal room. This portal room conatins a door you blow open with a super bomb which if you go that way, leads down a corridor flanked by evil dinosaur baddies which you can't shoot. Anyway, in this next room there's a door in the upper left corner, that appears after I turn off the environmental illusion controls. This door can only be open with a super missle. I ain't gots super missle capability, do I? My controller doesn't seem to think so. In fact, I've run into several doors I can't open without the super missles. How do I get super missle capability?! If I missed it, I can only backtrack so far because I can't get back up the "slippery" downgrades so I'm running in circles. I see some glowing blue dots on my map screen indicating items, but damn if I can find them even when I'm right on top of the dots!

Did I miss the super missle upgrade, did I miss a room I should be in, am I a douche? Help! Thanks.

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Member since 2004 • 25 Posts

Hopefully this is the forum to ask for help. Don't want too much help here, just enough for me to go, "Oh yeah, stupid!" and then get on gaming with minimum spoil. Dig? So I'm playing Metroid Other M and have been running around Sector 1 for what seems like an eternity and I can't get anywhere. Argh! I renlent and am now asking for help. Help please! I'm obviously missing something.

If this helps, I'm at the room right after a save portal room. This portal room conatins a door you blow open with a super bomb which if you go that way, leads down a corridor flanked by evil dinosaur baddies which you can't shoot. Anyway, in this next room there's a door in the upper left corner, that appears after I turn off the environmental illusion controls. This door can only be open with a super missle. I ain't gots super missle capability, do I? My controller doesn't seem to think so. In fact, I've run into several doors I can't open without the super missles. How do I get super missle capability?! If I missed it, I can only backtrack so far because I can't get back up the "slippery" downgrades so I'm running in circles. I see some glowing blue dots on my map screen indicating items, but damn if I can find them even when I'm right on top of the dots!

Did I miss the super missle upgrade, did I miss a room I should be in, am I a douche? Help! Thanks.

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Member since 2004 • 25 Posts
You know, it's kinda funny me even asking that question because the Wii is way to squeaky clean family friendly goodness. I can't see myself throwing money after such an enterprise. I kid, somewhat. That being said, here we are into this generation of consoles that I have yet to upgrade.The XBox for me is a non-starter because, well, I've had a PS1/2 and have dug the experience so the obvious choice would be a PS3...vs the possibility of a Wii. It pains me to even say that! I currently have a crap-load of PS1 and 2 games I have yet to play - even unwrap and don't really have much time to delve into that backstock of goodness to really even think about upgrading, however, I see great games coming out for the PS3, like the continuing 'Ratchet and Clank' series et al, I'd be itchin' to play...but still have to play anything past the first one. D'oh! When it comes to the Wii, I see hardly anything I'd buy, save the Marios and Metroids and Zeldas (by the way, when is Nintendo, if ever, going to get back to the great days of old with lots of awesome games? So sad). I kind of see that as a plus, the lack of games, because I don't have time to really play. The Wii is cheap(er) so if I don't play a lot, no big loss, right? And, I love the idea of downloading all the past Nintendo games I missed out playing (but if your console craps out, you're screwed!). Of course the PS3 has its own service albeit their old games. I dunno. The lack of PS2 support on the PS3 is a major/minor concernand the Blu-Raycapability doesn't concern me as I can't remember the last time a bought a physical DVD.It'd be nice to be able to have one system play everything, but technology is technology, eh. Oh, and the fact that the Wii is basically standard def is disturbing. What's up with that?Okay, this rant/question is way to long. To sum up, I wouldn't call myself a hardcore gamer but not casual either but I know where I've come from . Sigh. Should I get a Wii?As an aside, the mighty N is going to have to do something huge soon seeing that they've just lost their edge. Could they do HD as a firware update? At least that would even the playing field. Then they'd have to get more "adult" about the games.