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#2 IDeadlyReconI
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You knew ME2 is already in torrent sites, and here in Saudi Arabia, there is a very active pirates society.

My point is : friends of mine who played both UNCHARTED 2 & MASS EFFECT 2 admitted that ME2 somehow has better graphics than U2

That's been said, I have to say, i do own all the 3 systems out there "thanks ALLAH", so iam not a fan of any.

What you think guys ?

Sorry for poor language :(


lol Mass Effect 2 barely looks better then Halo 3 let alone Uncharted 2.

PLEASE I'm a cow and I can see that ME2 looks pretty good (on par with Gears 2). Don't insult the game by saying it barely looks better than Halo 3, which is one of the ugliest next gen games available (and yes I have played Halo 3). Sure ME2 might not be Uncharted 2 good but it is certainly not Halo 3 bad.

You sure about that?

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#3 IDeadlyReconI
Member since 2008 • 58 Posts




You knew ME2 is already in torrent sites, and here in Saudi Arabia, there is a very active pirates society.

My point is : friends of mine who played both UNCHARTED 2 & MASS EFFECT 2 admitted that ME2 somehow has better graphics than U2

That's been said, I have to say, i do own all the 3 systems out there "thanks ALLAH", so iam not a fan of any.

What you think guys ?

Sorry for poor language :(


lol Mass Effect 2 barely looks better then Halo 3 let alone Uncharted 2.

i think u should stop being a fanboy..

How is that being a fanboy? Mass Effect 2 does not look much better then Halo 3.

Image 39

Halo 3 Screenshot

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#4 IDeadlyReconI
Member since 2008 • 58 Posts


You knew ME2 is already in torrent sites, and here in Saudi Arabia, there is a very active pirates society.

My point is : friends of mine who played both UNCHARTED 2 & MASS EFFECT 2 admitted that ME2 somehow has better graphics than U2

That's been said, I have to say, i do own all the 3 systems out there "thanks ALLAH", so iam not a fan of any.

What you think guys ?

Sorry for poor language :(


lol Mass Effect 2 barely looks better then Halo 3 let alone Uncharted 2.

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#5 IDeadlyReconI
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I do agree that the cross game invite should of been there at launch. The point is the feature exist. Now there is way to invite people into an older game, but it's not a user friendly way of doing it. You invite a few of your friends into Home then launch a the game from there, because Home also acts as a game lobby. It's Sony fault for not having these features at launch, but it's the game developers fault for not adding them into there game when the features were released. Yes Sony could ban people IP/Mac Address, but if you know what your doing you could mask or change your IP/MAC then your back in. It's true go find some people with launch 360's they tell you. I want to know what makes XBL so much better then PSN besides Cross Game Chat and a better UI, and don't give more of my friends play it or small features like deleting your achievements. I want a list of useful features.


Sure, the feature exists, but in a more limited incarnation than the 360's implementation. I'm of the opinion that it IS Sony's fault for not making it mandatory and available on their SDK. MS implemented it at the OS level, not a game-by-game level. No need to start a whole separate (and optional) application like Home to use Party or game-launching features. It just works the moment you're logged in. That and other things are built into the DNA of Xbox Live. No need to worry about some workaround or an extra few steps for this feature, a couple more steps for that feature. On XBL, it just works. That's the kind of consistency and ease-of-use that you're not going to find on a bullet-pointed list of features.

If I log on, I check out the Spotlight and Community sections from the dashboard and see that there's a community playdate with a fan site I've heard about. Hey, there's more cars available for Forza. Click. List of cars and a button to purchase... right from the dash. No need to navigate through the marketplace to get it.

Or maybe I'm perusing the games I've played. Each game I click on, I see a list of dowloads for it..... right from the dash.

Decide to fire up an older game, PGR3, when I get an invite into Borderlands. No need to worry if either game supports cross-game invites. I just hit accept, swap discs and off I go. We're playing a little co-op and I spot a few friends that just popped online. We all join a party and decide we want to play some Left 4 Dead. No worries. We just launch into the game all together. None of us have to start a separate app to party up and go. It just works.

That's how those seemingly little conveniences make a significant difference. That only comes with using the system enough to realize it.

Now that I think about it there is a App on XMB that is sorta like Community spotlight it's called "Whats New" from there it shows what's new and comming soon to PSN. From there if you see a event you just press start over the picture and it will boot up the game. Now there's PS Store icons under the Video and Game seletions of the XMB well from there you can see new downloads and download them from there with out ever entering the store.

Well as for cross game invites I played a few older games last night it turns out some do. The only flaw I found with it was you can't accept the invite from the XMB you have to accept it from the game menu. For games that don't use invites you can do it from Home it takes longer and kind of anoying, but it gets the job done.

I used XBL last generation, and this generation I used it for about 5 years 2 years for this gen. I know what it has to offer, but when I look at XBL I only see that it is just easier to use and has cross game chat that does not make light years infront of PSN like everbody makes out to be.

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#6 IDeadlyReconI
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You're right. I was copy-n-pasting from older posts I made. Have they fixed the freezing in MW2 when you try to use the cross game invites from the XMB? Have they fixed so that cross-game invites work with RE5, Rainbow Six Vegas and Red Alert?

Playstation Blog is fine and dandy, but not nearly as visible or accessible as MS's offerings. Major Nelson is constantly at industry events and game launches and regularly does fan meet-ups. Stephen Toulouse (StepTo, aka the banhammer of XBL) did a keynote at PAX and has been meeting with different special interest groups to address and educate people about online issues. Trixie organizes the GamerChix. The community developer program helps fan sites with integrating XBL data into their sites. XBL ambassadors are there for XBL newcomers. There are new video bits nearly every single day like Inside Xbox and IGN Strategize. Sorry, managing a community is more than putting up a blog.


I don't own MW2, but I do own CoD Classic and the cross game invites work fine so it may get fixed later on. RSV, RE5, and Red Alert are old games so they may not get the feature. You have to keep in mind PSN was a striped down service when it launched back in 2006. Unlike XBL being feature rich when the X360 Launched. My point with the PlayStation Blog is that they do all that stuff. They have game nights, They have footage from events like CES E3 and PAX. When the MAG Beta was having server problems the devoplers kept you infrom until it was fixed. They also let you have Live chats with devlopers. Not that long ago there was a live chat with Bio Ware. You can access the Blog from the PS3 via web browser. Even if you have a question about a game or a new feature they will anwser your question. With the glitchers in MW2 Sony could ban them, but would that stop them from making a new account and do it again.

Now with the Party Chat everbody bragging about upsets me, because when I got my X360 Pro back in 2005 I could chat with muitple people in Private chat. Then when I got my Refurb X360 Elite in 2009, because the Pro RROD back in late 2006. When I started my new 360 I came to learn that you can't have muitple people in private chat, but you have to use the new party system that requries Gold to use. I think the party system does well in Netflix, but charging for feature that use to be free is BS.

I understand that PSN is adding more features like cross-game invites. That's my point. Sony failed to recognize it as a useful feature. Nor did they build an infrastructure that could be modular and expandable. So you're left with games that may or may not have trophies, may or may not have cross-game invites. How would you know unless you researched. For Xbox Live, it's not even a second thought. ALL games have them, full retail as well as arcade games.

My point with the events wasn't that they don't exist on PSN at all. I'm sure they do. But they're not readily advertised or accessible. How would you know to access the web browser or Home and navigate to it? On XBL, it's in the Spotlight and Community sections. Viewable on boot-up. No need to launch separate apps to find out about them.

As far as MW2 glitching is concerned, if you're correct, you're only pointing out that Sony isn't capable to tracking cheaters. To be fair though, I imagine Sony actually can track them IP, MAC addy or some other means. Either way, Sony either isn't willing to take extra steps or they're not capable of doing so. This only strengthens my argument.

I don't remember ever using private chat pre-NXE. I always thought they took multi-user private chat when the 360 launched. If what you say is true, I agree that it was bad to have taken that away from Silver users. However, that negative is mitigated by the positive of putting in game-launching.

I do agree that the cross game invite should of been there at launch. The point is the feature exist. Now there is way to invite people into an older game, but it's not a user friendly way of doing it. You invite a few of your friends into Home then launch a the game from there, because Home also acts as a game lobby. It's Sony fault for not having these features at launch, but it's the game developers fault for not adding them into there game when the features were released. Yes Sony could ban people IP/Mac Address, but if you know what your doing you could mask or change your IP/MAC then your back in. It's true go find some people with launch 360's they tell you. I want to know what makes XBL so much better then PSN besides Cross Game Chat and a better UI, and don't give more of my friends play it or small features like deleting your achievements. I want a list of useful features.

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#7 IDeadlyReconI
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I bought Dirt 2 off steam last weekend as it was half price. amazing game by the way.But to play you have to set up a GFWL account. id seen lots of hate for it on forums and was expecting something awful.

but i really like it and can't see why it attracts so much hate. in my opinion it was better than steam. ok i can't buy games through it. but the look and feel of GFWL was way better than steams 'cheap' look.

playing Dirt 2 on my PC with a 360 pad and GFWL felt like i was playing my 360 but with much better graphics.


Well lets see the actual GFWL client is only a market place you can't view your achievements, you can't view your friend list, you can't chat with your friends, you can't read and write messages, ect. Now lets see how it works in the games well your features are there, but there's buttons from a xbox controller littered all over the screen, They took the key mapping away so you have to play with there suck controls, they took away almost all the graphics setting, they took away dedicated servers, the server size are small average out 16 which total BS for PC, and I can no longer select a server I have to wait 2 hours for it to put me in a game. Oh and to top it all off there market place has weak selection.

Microsoft needs to keep in mind this is PC not there freaking xbox.

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#8 IDeadlyReconI
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PSN does have cross game invite, and for community Staff you need to visit the PlayStation Blog.


You're right. I was copy-n-pasting from older posts I made. Have they fixed the freezing in MW2 when you try to use the cross game invites from the XMB? Have they fixed so that cross-game invites work with RE5, Rainbow Six Vegas and Red Alert?

Playstation Blog is fine and dandy, but not nearly as visible or accessible as MS's offerings. Major Nelson is constantly at industry events and game launches and regularly does fan meet-ups. Stephen Toulouse (StepTo, aka the banhammer of XBL) did a keynote at PAX and has been meeting with different special interest groups to address and educate people about online issues. Trixie organizes the GamerChix. The community developer program helps fan sites with integrating XBL data into their sites. XBL ambassadors are there for XBL newcomers. There are new video bits nearly every single day like Inside Xbox and IGN Strategize. Sorry, managing a community is more than putting up a blog.

I don't own MW2, but I do own CoD Classic and the cross game invites work fine so it may get fixed later on. RSV, RE5, and Red Alert are old games so they may not get the feature. You have to keep in mind PSN was a striped down service when it launched back in 2006. Unlike XBL being feature rich when the X360 Launched. My point with the PlayStation Blog is that they do all that stuff. They have game nights, They have footage from events like CES E3 and PAX. When the MAG Beta was having server problems the devoplers kept you infrom until it was fixed. They also let you have Live chats with devlopers. Not that long ago there was a live chat with Bio Ware. You can access the Blog from the PS3 via web browser. Even if you have a question about a game or a new feature they will anwser your question. With the glitchers in MW2 Sony could ban them, but would that stop them from making a new account and do it again.

Now with the Party Chat everbody bragging about upsets me, because when I got my X360 Pro back in 2005 I could chat with muitple people in Private chat. Then when I got my Refurb X360 Elite in 2009, because the Pro RROD back in late 2006. When I started my new 360 I came to learn that you can't have muitple people in private chat, but you have to use the new party system that requries Gold to use. I think the party system does well in Netflix, but charging for feature that use to be free is BS.

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#9 IDeadlyReconI
Member since 2008 • 58 Posts

uncharted 2

stalker clear sky

clear sky > UC2

the guys shirt in UC2 looks terrible, the vines look really bad and the rope is terrible. in Clear sky the textures give a VERY convincing perception of depth compared to the textures in UC2, almost giving the impresstion that tessalation is being used, but in actuallity it is not. also the stalker series has some of the best lighting in games ever, if not THE best


That's Uncharted Drake's Fortune. Try again.

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#10 IDeadlyReconI
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Yeah it definitely is based on the criteria of more games, more better games, best control system KB/M or Controller, mods, best multiplat version.

How could you say that PC isnt the best option?


All of that is either subjective or debatable.

Consoles dont even have mods, better graphics isnt subjective or debatable, more games thats not subjective thats just a plain fact, more better games I suppose, but we would have to base it on reviews, and at that point its no longer subjective. KB/M or Gamepad = more options, so not debatable or subjective. back to best multiplats well that goes back what I said earlier about graphical fidelity.

The PS3 version of UT3 has Mod support.