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#1 Huffanddoback
Member since 2011 • 319 Posts

I'm from NY as well and this doesnt surprise me. The Post and the News are poorly written, many times with either misleading headlines or as the above shows, bottom of the barrel stupidity that leaves behind any doubt as to how serious you should take these papers. They are written by hacks and don'tdeserve the paper they are printed on.

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#2 Huffanddoback
Member since 2011 • 319 Posts
I'm in the same boat, I moved into a home a year ago and live alone. I'm getting a little older now so the fast food packs on pounds with a vengeance now so I bought 5 cookbooks at the local bookstore and eat out of them. A lot of them have step by step instructions and are usually in a looseleaf type package that allows you to pull out the recipes to take to the supermarket. For things like how to cook chicken I went to YouTube and typed that in and watched more than a few videos. I especially like the videos from a show called good eats with some guy Alton brown. Look him up, his stuff is pretty good and just difficult enough to force you to learn to cook! I will say this though, the toughest part of the whole thing as a male who doesn't really know how to cook is being in the supermarket for hours looking for the isles that have the stuff I need. The first couple of times I looked for an hour for stuff as simple as vinegar and olive oil. Even now the way these supermarkets set themselves up still seems so stupid to me
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#3 Huffanddoback
Member since 2011 • 319 Posts
I lent a coworker a fairly sizable amount of money. He said he needed it for a family emergency which was the only reason I did it. I was supposed to be paid back within a few has been a year and a half. He ignores me at work and I choose not to just bring it out for everyone to know his business. It has unfortunately come to the point where I will end up taking him to small claims court. I learned a valuable lesson about lending money....don't!
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#4 Huffanddoback
Member since 2011 • 319 Posts
Anyone who has a dream of moving to California to be a movie star should watch 'confessions of a superhero' It's a documentary about 4 people who dress up like comic book Hero's and take pictures with tourists while they look for their big break. It's depressing, they are all in a tailspin and I think the only one who actually got any legit work was the woman who had the nice body. I don't think this post is serious, but if I'm wrong start picking what hero you want to go out on the strip and pose as!
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#5 Huffanddoback
Member since 2011 • 319 Posts
If life always turned out the way we planned we'd all be astronaut billionaires who are also rockstars! Things have a tendacy of working themselves out as long and in the end you'll be left with some great/funny story's or the trials and tribulations of your 20's
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#6 Huffanddoback
Member since 2011 • 319 Posts
Why not just join the military or law enforcement, become a firefighter or paramedic? No offense but that's a terrible idea. The other guy was right, you're getting locked up or beat up. Superheros are for the movies, the above mentioned are as close as you are coming
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#7 Huffanddoback
Member since 2011 • 319 Posts
I can grow a full beard but it's slow...I can get by one week without shaving and I can barely pinch it. But as cool as beards are, they are intolerably itchy and hot. Not to mention the hair that gets caught on shirts and such. They aren't worth the hassle in my opinion. As for the straight razor I got a very nice one that I bought mainly for show. I used it a couple times but I end up cutting myself up a little too much...I once went to a barber who used a straight razor did and it was awesome
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#8 Huffanddoback
Member since 2011 • 319 Posts
I was going to go see the thing but driving there I just couldn't justify the 12$ price to see it. Instead I went to redbox and ended up renting Hanna. Which wasn't a bad movie, just one I've seen many times before. Also I'm going to include the last two documentaries I saw just because they were so good. Touching the void and deep water which were two docs about a human being pushing themselves way beyond anything they ever did....with two vastly different outcomes
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#9 Huffanddoback
Member since 2011 • 319 Posts
I have never heard of this. Are they watching a new my little pony cartoon or the repeats of the 80's ones? I have sisters and when we were young they loved that show. Being that there was one tv I got stuck watching that more than a few times, from what I remember it was pretty bad, and can't imagine a grown man enjoying it but to each his own I guess. Now the care bear cartoon was a different story! I wasnt a fan but that one was at least watchable as the "care bear stare" was a weird sort of girlie "violence" that made it tolerable enough that i could sit there to see how they would implement it in that weeks episode!
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#10 Huffanddoback
Member since 2011 • 319 Posts
Haha this is a good topic! Honestly I would think that it's mostly due to the fact that the mosquito "needle" is much smaller than an actual needle, or if I remember correctly the Mosquito injects its host with a "painkiller" type secretion to numb the puncture. If you're paying attention you can feel the prick of a mosquito isn't what I would call pain but it is uncomfortable