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#1 Hihatrider87
Member since 2007 • 1042 Posts

what are you smoking!? where is vice city!!!!? san andreas deserves it to imo, but vice city is no contest.

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#2 Hihatrider87
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I don't post often. I've been coming on this site for years and every time FF is mentioned, most people will comment that FFX-2 was the worst FF ever.

As a female gamer, I have to say that FFX-2 is the entire reason I started gaming. Those commercials about 3 girls out to save the world sucked me in. I played FFX just to have a back story. (I loved FFX btw).

I'm not a feminist, but I LOVE playing games with strong female leads. I played Heavenly Sword, I play with Chun-li and Sakura in SF and I have played FFX-2 5 times. Why can't men appreciate the game for what it was? A cute JRPG that let you change outfits like a Barbie doll? Does it always have to be so serious? Is it so bad to be able to sing a song and unite a group of people?

I'm asking someoneto explain to me What was so bad about FFX-2??? Was it the fact that there was only 3 women? Was it the gameplay? Was it the storyline? Lack of blood? Someone help me understand because I thought it was awesome and on my list of top 3 FF's, It's FFX, FFX-2 and FFVIII.

***Intelligent responses, only***


for me, most every time the story became interesting, they decided to have a fashion show or some equivalent. now, that doesn't make it a bad game. it had a decent implementation of the job system although it felt easy. for me, i was looking for a more sincere follow-up to one of my favorite games of all time. maybe it was my fault for expecting them to take that turn.

my vote for worst FF goes to XIII though. dear god, that game was **** compared to the other entries.

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#3 Hihatrider87
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Statements from CAVS owner: The antics by James ticked off Gilbert, so much to the point that he wrote a scathing letter directed at James' "narcissistic, self-promotional build-up" to his announcement Thursday night. "You simply don't deserve this kind of cowardly betrayal," Gilbert said in the letter to the fans. "You have given so much and deserve so much more. In the meantime, I want to make one statement to you tonight: "I PERSONALLY GUARANTEE THAT THE CLEVELAND CAVALIERS WILL WIN AN NBA CHAMPIONSHIP BEFORE THE SELF-TITLED FORMER 'KING' WINS ONE. You can take it to the bank. "If you thought we were motivated before tonight to bring the hardware to Cleveland, I can tell you that this shameful display of selfishness and betrayal by one of our very own has shifted our 'motivation' to previously unknown and previously never experienced levels." "This shocking act of disloyalty from our home grown 'chosen one' sends the exact opposite lesson of what we would want our children to learn. And 'who' we would want them to grow-up to become," Gilbert said. "But the good news is that this heartless and callous action can only serve as the antidote to the so-called "curse" on Cleveland, Ohio." "The self-declared former 'King' will be taking the 'curse' with him down south," Gilbert said in the letter. And until he does 'right' by Cleveland and Ohio, James (and the town where he plays) will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma. "Just watch. "Sleep well, Cleveland. "Tomorrow is a new and much brighter day.... "I PROMISE you that our energy, focus, capital, knowledge and experience will be directed at one thing and one thing only: "DELIVERING YOU the championship you have long deserved and is long overdue.... Overall, it was awesome, minus the championship part.Fuhgeddabouditt

the all caps is what killed me. this man owns an nba team and he used all caps to prove a point. the ridiculous amount of ironic quotes got me too.

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#4 Hihatrider87
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dan gilbert just put out the most ridiculous open letter ever.

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#5 Hihatrider87
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so, who will lead this team?Fuhgeddabouditt

same person who leads boston. no one. it's a committee.

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#6 Hihatrider87
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I'm a huge redskins fan, but I'm also a manning fan (peyton that is) and a Brady hater, and even i'll agree with Tom Brady over Manning.

Manning has the stats and the super smarts, but Brady is clutch, and 3 championships with no-name recievers. Both teams have defenses that step up in the playoffs, though patriots always had the edge over the colts in defense (vs other teams than the colts).

Regardless they are both fun to watch.


i find this "clutch gene" stuff interesting. most people (optimism) understand that anecdotal evidence is a terrible judge, but as soon as we talk about "clutch", we check logic at the door.

how can we ignore defense with this topic? if "defense wins championships", than why don't we judge a D by championships? but the kicker is the fact that i don't see the rings argument consistently applied among the brady supporters. is bradshaw TIED with montana for best of all time? surely he's at least 2nd because rings are the true measurement of qb quality.

no one thinks bradshaw is top 2. he had the most dominate D of all time. his stats weren't amazing. he didn't throw it like manning or brady... or brees for that matter. but HE won games! that would be an obvious disrespect to the steelers D to think that.

another idiocy is that once brady proved his clutchness, he didn't have to maintain it. was he clutch in the '07 superbowl? last year in the post season, he was not clutch by an stretch. all he had to do was prove it early (when his D was stout).

tom brady is an amazing, all-time great qb. so is manning. when their careers are over. let's start this back up. we haven't seen enough yet to judge them accurately.

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#7 Hihatrider87
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more and more "sources" are coming out of the woodwork saying miami. i personally would prefer chicago as i think a chicago team with lebron, boozer, rose, noah is better than a miami team with wade, bosh, beasley. having said that, both teams would likely get some championships. if their together, it could easily mean a 5-7 championship dynasty superteam.

who else could miami get if lebron doesn't go to miami?

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#8 Hihatrider87
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based off of the 11:30 central interview with bosh and wade, i feel like wade said 2 things that makes lebron coming very likely:

first, the background: every indication so far has said that bosh's first choice was to go to chicago with lebron. after that, it was generally said that playing with wade in miami was his second choice, however, dwayne wade just said something strange in that interview. He said he had reached a point where he was willing to go to chicago, BUT DECIDED AGAINST IT BECAUSE BOSH WANTED TO GO TO MIAMI. if bosh had the choice between playing with dwayne wade in chicago or miami, it seems obvious that he would have picked chicago. based off of this, the only thing that would have caused wade and bosh to go to miami instead of chicago, would have to be lebron coming to miami. we knew before the interview that chicago was bosh's first choice (with lebron or wade) and from the interview, wade said that it was bosh that was the deciding factor in not going to chicago. onw factor that proves me wrong would be if wade was simply lying when he said that it was bosh that caused him to stay. i think it was bosh and lebron than caused him to stay.

the other reason is that they said in the interview that they're both willing to take less money to bring other players. if all three drop 2 mil a piece, they would have enough to keep beasley.

lebron is going to miami.


I see.

Normally, I'd debate those points, but at this point it just seems silly. Let's just wait until tommorrow night. Speculation is fun sometimes, but no one knows for sure where Lebron is going.

based off of that interview, i'd say wade and bosh know, even if i'm wrong about miami. at this point, it pretty much seems like its cleveland or miami. if chicago, bosh would have went too. the only outlier is NY or NJ.

you're right though- almost no one knows and i could have easily misread wade.

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#9 Hihatrider87
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based off of the 11:30 central interview with bosh and wade, i feel like wade said 2 things that makes lebron coming very likely:

first, the background: every indication so far has said that bosh's first choice was to go to chicago with lebron. after that, it was generally said that playing with wade in miami was his second choice, however, dwayne wade just said something strange in that interview. He said he had reached a point where he was willing to go to chicago, BUT DECIDED AGAINST IT BECAUSE BOSH WANTED TO GO TO MIAMI. if bosh had the choice between playing with dwayne wade in chicago or miami, it seems obvious that he would have picked chicago. based off of this, the only thing that would have caused wade and bosh to go to miami instead of chicago, would have to be lebron coming to miami. we knew before the interview that chicago was bosh's first choice (with lebron or wade) and from the interview, wade said that it was bosh that was the deciding factor in not going to chicago. onw factor that proves me wrong would be if wade was simply lying when he said that it was bosh that caused him to stay. i think it was bosh and lebron than caused him to stay.

the other reason is that they said in the interview that they're both willing to take less money to bring other players. if all three drop 2 mil a piece, they would have enough to keep beasley.

lebron is going to miami.

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#10 Hihatrider87
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Can we all agree that there is, in general, no superior console? Specifically to an individual there is, but everyone has different tastes.


there is a suspension of logic that is necessary for SW to exist as it is currently defined. If your truth actually gained prominence in SW, every argument would quicking end with one side saying, "That's just my preference."

SW is supposed to be about arguing which preference is better, which as you point out, is pretty ridiculous.