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#1 Hannibp
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts


I have owned a 360 for 3 years. I haven't spent money on a high end pc in years and just have my crappy pc for internet browsing and wow every once in a while which i upgrade along the way every once ina blue moon. I spent $300 and am enjoying the large majority of pc and 360 games with actually better performance considering ps3 versions of multiplats are actually downgraded because it's not as easy to port from the pc to the ps3... You probably spent about $2000 for 5 games and can't even play a large majority of the games exclusive to the 360 which is actually > than the ps3.. ill pick up a ps3 in a year spend another $300. So I spent $600 and experienced everything this gen. You spent $2000. And you are a smarter consumer how? Speaking of looking stupid.


Ok if you say so. You haven't really experienced anything really next gen yet since you haven't play any PS3 exclusive. I have played every good game on the Xbox360 on the PC with better graphics and controlls. And I also get to play all the PS3 exclusives. You only get to play the Xbox360, which have serverely downgraded graphics compared to PC games and untuitive controls for FPS (The Xbox360's main genre). Frankly I don't care if you want to play on a gimped console that has a 80% defect rate. Enjoy sending your console in until your warranty runs out. Myself I like to game on a truly quality next gen console that I know will never give out, because the company behind it cares enough not to realease a faulty product, and I get to play all of the gimped 360 exclusives on my PC which I also know has better reliability. So while I am playing Mass Effect 2 on a superior platform I hope you won't get too tired of waiting for the repairs for you RROD.

I love the 360 controller. It's the best controller there is. I haven't had any issue with the rrod. I dont leave it on overnight. I turn it on when i use it and shut it off when im done. In 3 years ive never gotten the rrod. The multiplats look great on the 360. How can you say it's a gimped system? come on. The games look great on it.

Hi, I thougth of buying the Xbox 360, but then I realized most good Xbox 360 games are for PC too, and I have a great PC. And any sane person knows that PC graphics are MUCH MUCH better than any consoles (higher resolution, better filters, etc.).

You can't compare a Microsoft game graphics on the PC and the graphics ported to a console. The PC version will always look a lot better, I'm sorry.

Now I bougth the 360 controller and plugged it in my PC, lol, it's like playing Xbox 360 but with better graphics xD.

PS: Xbox 360 is inferior too in an important way, it's hackable. There are millons who hack their Xbox 360s and play pirate copys. You can't do that on the PS3. PS3 is unhackable, it's pirate-safe =).

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#2 Hannibp
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts
Get the Crysis Warhead PC for 699, so much better.
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#3 Hannibp
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts
Yes, all games run, but the CPUs stop the VGAs from using 100% it's power. The more you overclock a CPU, the more FPS you get with the last high end cards. Many get to at least 3.6 to avoid bottleneck.
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#4 Hannibp
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts
And by the way, I deeply apologize for my rudeness. I'm having an RMA problem and I'm mad xD, and your first comments didn't help very much either. Anyways, I'm sorry.
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#5 Hannibp
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts

[QUOTE="Hannibp"]Good luck reaching 3.6 and more with a Q6600, whereas a E8400 surpasses 4. Seriously, get a clue about CPUs.Daytona_178

You know you can get a Q6600 to 3.6 with just decent air cooling!

Great, then do it, add a VGA like a GTX280, or 2. Or just 1 HD4870x2, and you'll see the FPS increase dramatically.
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#6 Hannibp
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts
The Q6600 does bottlenck a 4870X2, any CPU does. You know what bottlenecing means? Nobody said anything about the processor not being able to handle or run any game. It is able to handle a game, that doesn't mean it's not bottlenecking the VGA. Overclock the Q6600, and you'll see. I think you don't understand quite well the meaning of bottlenecking.
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#7 Hannibp
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts
Good luck reaching 3.6 and more with a Q6600, whereas a E8400 surpasses 4. Seriously, get a clue about CPUs.
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#8 Hannibp
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts
Unbelievable.. First of all, Daytona, learn to read. Damn, who the hell said anything about the Q6600 not being to handle any games? Seriously man, learn to read. Funny you try to be the tough guy by telling me to do the homework when you didn't even get past kindergarden regarding this subject. FYI, any CPU will bottleneck a card like the HD4870x2. Problem is you don't know what overclocking is, you talk about stock clocks. Who in their right mind runs a SLI system or a high-end card as mentiond before with a Q6600 at 2.4 or a E8400 at 3.0? That just shows how ignorant you are. IF you know what you are talking about, you overclock the CPU at LEAST 3.6 to run a system like that. Those cards do show increase in perfomance when overclocked the CPU over 4, even 4.5. Really sad that guy who said something about 1024x768res, I'm talking about 1920x1080+. You really have no clue, you must be the kind of guy who sees the benchmarks running around the web with stock processors, right? That's sad, maybe you should visit some PC enthusiast forums to learn maybe a little and get a freaking clue about what you are saying... Damn..
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#9 Hannibp
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts
How much do you want to spend? Check the modular PSU Corsair hx620 out. Enough to power up a HD4870x2. Corsair is high quality and has great customer support too. If it's too expensive, there are other models too.
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#10 Hannibp
Member since 2007 • 76 Posts
Lol, a Q6600.. Go for it if you want, but it'll bottleneck any high-end card, unless you overclock it. Whereas a C2D does it MUCH better, consumes less power, doesn't get as hot, and on stock clocks is faster anyway (E8400).