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#1 HGzigfried
Member since 2006 • 41 Posts

I was alerted that there was internet outrage over my score, so I figured I would check Google and post where I could. To the people who gave me some credit -- thank you. This thread is actually pretty civil, and I appreciate that.

I don't feel the need to defend my review. I thought the game was excellent -- some people just think I didn't like the game enough, which is silly. We all agree that the game is great. I would just like to point out three things:

1) Reviews are personal opinion. Not everyone will agree... and when people do agree on a general concept (i.e., that Uncharted 2 is excellent), they won't necessarily agree to the same extent.

2) People complain about inflated scores at review sites... but apparently, when a site loves a game but doesn't love it *enough*, people are quick to attack. To those complainers: has it ever occurred to you that you might be the reason magazines/websites inflate their scores? An 8.0 used to be considered a GREAT game, and at Honestgamers it still is considered great. But if this is how people react to an 8.0, then think about it....... what lesson are you teaching me? For example, let's say I review Modern Warfare 2 next. That is a highly-anticipated game. Should I give it a 10.0 just out of fear? Or should I give it the score that I honestly feel it deserves?

A good review provides enough evidence for people to make up their own minds, regardless of the score. If you purchase games based on numbers, then you are making uninformed decisions. My job is to present my perception, and then readers can make up their own minds. Personally, I hope everyone who reads the review buys Uncharted 2. It's a great game. I just don't think it's the *best* game.

3) A review that points out some potential faults can be more convincing than a review that glosses over, ignores, or fails to notice those faults. There are still a lot of skeptics out there, and people shouting "OMG IT'S JUST SO GOOD!" won't convince the skeptics. Some people who were on the fence have already IM'd me to say, "Sweet review. If those are the only problems with Uncharted 2, then I'll buy it soon." In other words, my review has helped sell additional copies of the game. Have you done the same?

Just something to think about. Anyways, if anyone has specific feedback, I'll certainly listen and keep it in mind for future reviews. But anyone who acts like I hated or disliked the game is just silly. An 8.0 is awesome!

EDIT: as an aside, glowing reviews score more hits than controversial reviews. Our 10/10 review of Demon's Souls racked up way more hits than the Uncharted 2 review. I just gave the score I felt the game deserved. Intentionally making people mad is no way to earn respect... it's common sense :)