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#1 Groove60
Member since 2004 • 359 Posts
[QUOTE="Groove60"][QUOTE="TheProdigyIV"] So now you are saying im the only one who did not enjoy the game? Dude.. Everybody traded the GTA games in like 4 days after buying it, JUST READ ONLINE About HOW MANY people hate the game. Casual gamers probably love it, And they make up for the sales. A Flop is not sales, Its about quality.TheProdigyIV
My copy is still downstairs, none of my friends have traded their copies in, and even better, under their names on the XMB sometimes I see that they are playing it still. But if you think it flopped because it is a bad game, then maybe it is FOR YOU. For many others it is a great game.

Everyone, Is a way of saying, Most people I knew and people online. You are just nit picking and finding ways to finish this argument because you know I am right. You don't play GTA IV do you? You are bored of it. 10/10 has to be special, GTA wasnt. SR2 was even better. And no not just FOR ME, For the MAJORITY of people.

You are saying because it got a 10/10 it has to be special, obviously reviews make a game good but not in this case? I haven't played Saints Row so I wouldn't know how it is, but to say one is better than the other is pure opinion. Finish this argument? This really hasn't been an argument, more like you saying some fact how thousands of people hating GTA4 totally nullifies the millions that bought and enjoyed it then telling me to stop talking :P
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#2 Groove60
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This is funny because you are arguing against yourself. First you ask (by arguing) what makes a good game if it didn't sell well or get good reviews. And I pointed out Mirror's Edge. Then finally you got it right. Opinion. That is what makes a game good. If you like it, then it is a good game. So therefore you contradicted your own statement.


Whether a game flops or not is due to sales, I am sure that everyone enjoys a game that may have not been as popular and may have been labeled as a flop but they still think it is a good game. To say GTA4 is a flop is absurd, it sold millions. You can't say GTA4 is a flop due to you not enjoying the game personally just as the TC has been doing.

You finally come to the sense of what I was trying to get out of you. You finally got it. And i didn't say GTA was a flop. I have been sticking up for GTA. I loved it.

I know you didn't call it a flop, I tried to generalize what I was saying. I meant for someone to call it a flop because of them not enjoying it personally is incorrect. I also enjoyed the game and haven't returned it. I still do play it from time to time, but lately I have been busy with other games.
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#3 Groove60
Member since 2004 • 359 Posts

This is funny because you are arguing against yourself. First you ask (by arguing) what makes a good game if it didn't sell well or get good reviews. And I pointed out Mirror's Edge. Then finally you got it right. Opinion. That is what makes a game good. If you like it, then it is a good game. So therefore you contradicted your own statement.

Whether a game flops or not is due to sales, I am sure that everyone enjoys a game that may have not been as popular and may have been labeled as a flop but they still think it is a good game. To say GTA4 is a flop is absurd, it sold millions. You can't say GTA4 is a flop due to you not enjoying the game personally just as the TC has been doing.

So now you are saying im the only one who did not enjoy the game? Dude.. Everybody traded the GTA games in like 4 days after buying it, JUST READ ONLINE About HOW MANY people hate the game. Casual gamers probably love it, And they make up for the sales. A Flop is not sales, Its about quality.

My copy is still downstairs, none of my friends have traded their copies in, and even better, under their names on the XMB sometimes I see that they are playing it still. But if you think it flopped because it is a bad game, then maybe it is FOR YOU. For many others it is a great game.
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#4 Groove60
Member since 2004 • 359 Posts

That is kind of ironic that you are arguing this. You have a picture of Mirror's Edge for your avatar thing. But it didn't get good reviews or didn't sell that well either. But it looks like you think it is a great game.


I do think its a great game, just as I know others disagree. Whether a game is good or not is someones opinion just as it is the TC's opinion that this game is starting to flop due to not having offline modes. I believe GTA was a good game too, and I didn't wait for reviews to come out, read previews or even have to play a demo before I preordered it because I thought it would be fun and it was. Point is he is shooting everyone down on the fact that he believes that X game sucked because of X reason and no outside sources really matter. You shouldn't just buy a game because it gets a high score, but chances are it got a high score from multiple sources for the reason that it is a decent game. Its not always true, but when a game sells a lot either its very popular (and subpar) or a decent game. Pick or choose.

This is funny because you are arguing against yourself. First you ask (by arguing) what makes a good game if it didn't sell well or get good reviews. And I pointed out Mirror's Edge. Then finally you got it right. Opinion. That is what makes a game good. If you like it, then it is a good game. So therefore you contradicted your own statement.

Whether a game flops or not is due to sales, I am sure that everyone enjoys a game that may have not been as popular and may have been labeled as a flop but they still think it is a good game. To say GTA4 is a flop is absurd, it sold millions. You can't say GTA4 is a flop due to you not enjoying the game personally just as the TC has been doing.
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#5 Groove60
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Last month, All I read on here is people saying 'OMG BEST GAME EVER, IT WILL BE I PROMISE OMG' Right... So they haven't actually played the beta (lawl) And now more and more info has been released like no Co-Op? And other details.. And Im seeing people saying 'I wont buy this because of this and that' And people saying it will get around an 8/10..

This game will be good.... But hype will kill it like GTA IV.. Don't get caught and you will probably enjoy it.. But how is it flopping? I Don't think casual gamers who happen to be the most usual people to buy games in stores and what not.. Most of the sales come from Casual gamers.. And i've got a little feeling this wont attract casual gamers.. Dispute that all you want but seriously. Also, I heard the aiming is a little like RSV2 where you have to click a button to aim then unclick to not aim? Is that right? And can it be changed in the controller settings or whatever? IF not then thats a fail.. But Im sure they will let you change it hopefully...

So anyway, Hype is killing this game, It will leave thousands dissapointed because they will expect SO much and then they will realize its not the Perfect game that was made by Superhumans who can do anything.

Leave respectful opinions.. And yes I do want this game to be good, Im just... You know!

There are things that are completely wrong about you post. GTAIV was hyped, but it had over 10 million copies sold, it received amazing reviews? How could you even think it was killed? I couldn't believe I read that. And how many casual gamers bought GTAIV? Rainbow 6 did well, so did Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, Fallout 3, Gears of War...casual gamers don't play these games - they play guitar hero, rock band, and mini game titles. And look, Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero 4 are not selling well. Thirdly, aiming in RSV2 is the same in all shooters. It's point and shoot, but if you want to zoom in, you press L1 and then R1 to shoot (or whatever buttons). I personally think you didn't do any research nor do you play shooters (if you couldn't even recall the aim button). You're just another one of these people who make these useless threads

you fail. Reviews don't mean anything, I'll say one last time, THOUSANDS of people hated GTA IV, Google it. They said it did not deserve the 10/10 which it didn't. All you did in that game was, Kill people in every mission, It was easy as hell. The City detail was great but thats its only perk, Terrible broken online, 7/10. Sales don't mean anything either, I mean, Millions of people buy Ciggarettes, Does that mean they are great things? No. Consider yourself done.

Thousands of people hated it, yet millions bought it. Tell me, which is more important. GTA4 did not flop as it raked in tremendous profit. Enough.
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#6 Groove60
Member since 2004 • 359 Posts

[QUOTE="Groove60"][QUOTE="TheProdigyIV"]Sales does not mean the game is good, Neither does reviews... .Diddies

Can I ask what does make a game 'good''?

That is kind of ironic that you are arguing this. You have a picture of Mirror's Edge for your avatar thing. But it didn't get good reviews or didn't sell that well either. But it looks like you think it is a great game.

I do think its a great game, just as I know others disagree. Whether a game is good or not is someones opinion just as it is the TC's opinion that this game is starting to flop due to not having offline modes. I believe GTA was a good game too, and I didn't wait for reviews to come out, read previews or even have to play a demo before I preordered it because I thought it would be fun and it was. Point is he is shooting everyone down on the fact that he believes that X game sucked because of X reason and no outside sources really matter. You shouldn't just buy a game because it gets a high score, but chances are it got a high score from multiple sources for the reason that it is a decent game. Its not always true, but when a game sells a lot either its very popular (and subpar) or a decent game. Pick or choose.
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#7 Groove60
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Sales does not mean the game is good, Neither does reviews... .TheProdigyIV
Can I ask what does make a game 'good''?
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#8 Groove60
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[QUOTE="TheProdigyIV"][QUOTE="Groove60"][QUOTE="TheProdigyIV"]You have not Beta Tested the game, Yet you seem to throw so called facts at me, That the game will be great. How do you know it will be? I don't know if it will flop or if it will be worst game ever, But im just stating a Prediction or Opinion, You seem to be telling me what previews say.. you can't judge so stop talking.

Have you beta tested the game? Don't give me an answer, because whether you have or haven't it has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion here. When have I said Killzone will be great? I have said nothing of the sort. Just as i have said nothing about the previews. So now you don't know if it will flop, why is your topic about it already starting to flop?

'I don't believe people today refrain from buying games because they are missing offline multiplayer, as an engrossing online experience would make that obsolete...' So first off, you say the game will be an Engrossing online experience, That is basically what you are saying right? Next, You do all you can to argue, And now your saying you don't think it will be great? 'When have I said Killzone will be great?' So to cap it all off, You don't know or don't think it will be great, And you are not taking any of the previews and putting them and their details into your argument, So what is the point you try to make? You either think it will be good, Or don't think it will be good. You don't seem to think it will be anything, So you need to stop talking. Also, I don't know if the game will flop after lets say a week after release, Im saying it is starting to flop with gamers not happy about things that are not in the game, And thats BEFORE Its released, So I dread to think of there complaints after its release. You get it now? Stop talking.

The only thing I am getting is that you have come up with the "fact" that this game is starting (but maybe not in the end) flop because it is not catering to casual gamers as it is missing offline features that you could enjoy with local players. So far, I have said nothing about the quality of the game whatsoever, I have not quoted previews or have put any false information in anything I have posted here. I find it hard to believe that this game will flop due to it missing offline features. I have stated that twice now, that's my opinion. Whether you want to keep posting that I am saying that this will be the best game ever is up to you, but you are arguing with points that are either false claims or that have nothing to do with this discussion.
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#9 Groove60
Member since 2004 • 359 Posts
[QUOTE="TheProdigyIV"]You have not Beta Tested the game, Yet you seem to throw so called facts at me, That the game will be great. How do you know it will be? I don't know if it will flop or if it will be worst game ever, But im just stating a Prediction or Opinion, You seem to be telling me what previews say.. you can't judge so stop talking.

Have you beta tested the game? Don't give me an answer, because whether you have or haven't it has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion here. When have I said Killzone will be great? I have said nothing of the sort. Just as i have said nothing about the previews. So now you don't know if it will flop, why is your topic about it already starting to flop?
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#10 Groove60
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[QUOTE="Groove60"][QUOTE="TheProdigyIV"]Wrong. Read again, And then you will understand. Or just read my recent post reply to denjiTheProdigyIV
I did read, just as I responded to what you wrote. What you state is an opinion, not a fact. You state that Killzone 2 will flop because it is not going to sell as many copies due to people getting turned away because it is missing certain features. While people may indeed not buy it because of this reason, I highly doubt that it will be a significant enough number to make this game flop. Hype may make people not appreciate the end product as much due to them having high expectations, but a game of this caliber will not go under the radar of many people, especially those who own a ps3. This game has caused much talk, graphics, gameplay whatever, its still talk and people know about it. If this game flops it will not be because of what you state.

Can I ask Have you beta tested the game?

No, can I ask what that has to do with anything?