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#1 Grady420
Member since 2008 • 430 Posts

Most people dont research there purchases properly and only the US economy is bad.



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#2 Grady420
Member since 2008 • 430 Posts

Wow, so your saying with the economy today people should buy Ps3's instead of 360s because you get more bang for their buck. Well, if you think about it DvDs cost less then Blu-Ray disks.. so while you may be getting a tad more for your money, you'll end up paying more to watch movies.

Also you can't rent very many Blu-Ray disks, well atleast you can't where I live.

Also if the economy crashes the last thing people will be looking at is to get a $400 gaming system (also includes game prices). Seriously the Ps3 will never get 2x as many consoles sold.


If the economy crashes they will be even more likely to get PS3s. When money gets really tight, people wiill want to make sure that there money goes really far, such as buying the latest standard in HD video playback. They would get the 10 year console (PS3), not the 2-3 more year console (360). PS3 will easily win this battle, so it can easily outsale the 360 twice this year.

lol I cant believe you are arguing for that. People will be buying off brand products to save a dollar if they can, so you think they are gonna spend an extra $200 for WiFi, Blu Ray and 80 GB HDDS??? No way.

Like I said, theoretically it could happen, but the odds are it wont.

You will see. People are smart. They know the playstation name. They will join us. Trust me.

By the way, who is that girl in your sig? Is she over the age of 18, at least?

That girl is an actress, dont know her name though. She was in the movie Juno with the skinny guy from superbad, Michael Cera or however you spell his name. But yes she is over 18.

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#3 Grady420
Member since 2008 • 430 Posts

This is what I'm talking about I think you guys are confusing cool looking with good gameplay... the gamplay you know the most important part about the game looks extremely BORING.. Yah I want to use a calculator as gameplay :roll: The roller coaster level did the player ever really do anything?..


Some how I expected this from you. All fanboys are basically the same. The same outputs. Claiming that opinions aren't facts. Then they turn out to be the hugest hypocrites.

I am sorry but what he says is the truth. Most of the levels, although very creative, still look boring as far as gameplay goes. I will be waiting for Fable 2, Geow2, R2 and Banjo but I will rent this game later on. Maybe a few months after it is out to see even more levels from many other creative users.

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#4 Grady420
Member since 2008 • 430 Posts

I have no doubt it will.

But it's not the only one that's going to get hit hard. HDTV sales will not meet expectations this holiday season IMO.

People get a bit caught up in the numbers of presents they get... I will be a decision of one high priced present or a bunch of smaller ones. I prefer large "family presents" myself :P


yeah its gonna be a really tough time, I hope this economy gets off the ground, now you are seeing this effect the global economy. Thank Mr Bush for this mess, the worst president of all time and our stupid country elected him....

ya blame bush cause its all his fault. how about the democratic congress that has been in for like 2 years and now congress has one of its lowest apporval ratings ever. they messed up more in about a quarter of the time. its not all bush's fault but morons dont realize this. and they also dont realize that Bush is actually a very intelligent person he just sucks at public speaking


Worst foreign policy in modern history (congress declared the war) And who fed them false information?

Worst economic and monetary policy in half a century (president cant control economy) Especially when he spends billions on a war, right?

US citizens forced to pay for a war to overcome poor foreign policy(economy ismaking money off the war)Orly? is that why banks are going bankrupt and the stock market is falling?

US citizens force to pay for financial bail out (bail out was passed by the senate, then the house and finally signed by bush) bailout sucks but it had to be done(had to done, yes but why? Bc we were led right into this mess by funding an unjust war. And yes ther are other factors but the war is clearly not helping. A mininum of 10 billion dollars a month.)

Yep great president! :roll: bad president but the points you made were retarted(No his points are fairly accurate.) Thank you and good day.

Bush was really bad but the congress is just awful, the president has no control over the economy.

Presidents do not control everything but they have a huge influence on what happens to our country during their terms.

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#5 Grady420
Member since 2008 • 430 Posts

It's a silly term.. how is something exclusive when you can play it on another system? It's an oxymoron. this is SYSTEM WARS.. not CONSOLE WARS. So console exclusive cannot be used here.Espada12

Exactly this is system wars, I do not see why some comparisions can only include some systems. Ps3 and 360 seem to be the biggest rivals on most boards so I do not have a problem with the term console exclusive.

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#6 Grady420
Member since 2008 • 430 Posts
Creative game but the actual gameplay always looks boring to me, just my opinion. For those who like it then good for you, as for me I am waiting for Fable 2, Gears 2, Banjo and R2.
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#7 Grady420
Member since 2008 • 430 Posts

[QUOTE="PlayStationBaby"]LITTLE big PLANET!!! Bungie cant make god rpgs so fablop 2 will suckPlayStationBaby

When did Bungie come into this?


LOL Lvl 1 (uninformed) Troll CONFIRMED!

Anyway, Fable II is gonna stomp all over LBP.

PlayStation 3 > 360 Im on roll with the MASSIVE OWNAGE tonight

NOT ANOTHER ONE :( !!!! Are you serious ?

really PlayStation 3 > 360. whats that sound? oh its MASSIVE OWNAGE

I am still wondering what does Bungie have to do with all this?