Godskeep1's comments

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Edited By Godskeep1

As a member of the Spec Ops community now retired due to a bullet that completely destroyed my left ankle leaving me with a plated,pinned and fused foot unable to serve any more I had a lot of down time for healing after two surgeries and a boat load of pent up frustrations at having to leave the SF service. Lots of time to play Xbox games so I appreciate what kind of out let a gaming system is for those of us under high stress. Our service personal deserve some kind of entertainment that allows them to vent their pent up feelings. I see nothing wrong with them having gaming systems for that and Jackwings like this Mok86 need to just step off and shut the hell up! Thank you Lt. Metcalf for getting Microsoft to see reason and from all the SF personal around the world I say HooYa LT.

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I've been a loyal fan of Xbox for over 12 years and I'm on my fourth system I play some much but Microsoft had better be reading these trade blogs cause I got news for them: Listen up Microsoft!
If you make the next system online only you will loose a long time consumer in me. I don't play well with others so why the hell would I want a system that forces me to be online plus all the extra cost to make that happen in my household. If you push that hard you can go **** yourselves. Also If you make It impossible to play used disk or even backwards compatible games then you WILL loose me as a long time consumer.Our household is always tight and It's hard enough for me to justify my gaming expenses to my wife so Don't make It impossible for me to sway my wife into buying the next system.Get your heads out of the clouds and listen to what the consumers want.Not all consumers want an "always on line system" nor do we have the kind of money to start a game collection from scratch just because You want to get greedy!!! Tread carefully because If these rumors become fact then you'll be cutting off your nose in spite of your face.

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Edited By Godskeep1

I've gotten burned way too many times by buying a game brand new only to find out all the hype was just that hype. As a general rule now I rent from GameFly and If I like the game then I buy It Used from them. If Microsoft decides to bar used games from being played on their next gen consoles then I can tell you for a fact they will loose at least two consumers, myself and my step son. If they do this we'll go to Sony in a heart beat. These systems are expensive as It is and are hard enough to justify on a tight household budget without adding more to the "game" by taking away the option of playing Used games.