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#1 Fuzzy_Munch
Member since 2007 • 1018 Posts

In brutality and all out action gameplay NG still has the edge.

But you know what i really love DMC4 and even though i think NG 2 may be a tad better.

It does not matter because i accept that DMC offers a different kind of style. I love the music and boss monsters in DMC.

So yeah NG>>>DMC but DMC has came up a few notches especially with DMC4 in my book.

And yeah DMC 2 lets just pretend that game never happend.

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#2 Fuzzy_Munch
Member since 2007 • 1018 Posts

I am amazed how much Mods tolerate here on SW.


Ahh no the MODS are doing a much better job these days. Bfore they would mod and ban for little dumb stuff. Now they are more reasonable.

Hey Mods keep up the good work.

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#3 Fuzzy_Munch
Member since 2007 • 1018 Posts

It's true and watch MS launch as HUGE marketing campaign for this game and the exclusive downloads for there better version.

This game will very possible put MS over the top and do what GTAIII did for the PS2. Maybe not to the same level but in some sorts in a good way.


I doubt it. The exclusive content is glorified milking because its just more costly DLC. Not to mention from what I understand will not be available upon release. GTA will not influence anyone to pick a seperate console just like Assasins Creed and COD 4 didnt. In the end whats gonna matter is if the gamer wants to play GTA, MGS4, GT, LBP and FF on the same console or not.

LBP:lol: LMAO like that game is going to sell systems:lol:

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#4 Fuzzy_Munch
Member since 2007 • 1018 Posts

I thought Halo was supposed to do that? Wasn't Gears 2 just announced to kill Sony?Ragnarok1051

GTAIV with a exclusive content and Gears 2 is a SICK powerful combo this year.

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#5 Fuzzy_Munch
Member since 2007 • 1018 Posts

It's true and watch MS launch as HUGE marketing campaign for this game and the exclusive downloads for there better version.

This game will very possible put MS over the top and do what GTAIII did for the PS2. Maybe not to the same level but in some sorts in a good way.

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#6 Fuzzy_Munch
Member since 2007 • 1018 Posts

I have a full surround sound setup. My sub abuts my couch. When something rumble-worthy happens on a game, you bet your PS3-hatin' ascot I feel it. Recoil? I feel it. Explosions? Don't kid yourself.

Full surround is FAR more important for games than rumble, in my opinion. I never would have guessed until I got my stereo last year.


Well i got DS3 and a LG 5.1 surround and sub with a optical HD sound Monster brand at that,. Running strait from my PS3 in to the Surround sound.

So you bet you BAZOOKA"S i have a sick set up and feel it in my hands also.

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#7 Fuzzy_Munch
Member since 2007 • 1018 Posts

Wii mote has proven to only be good in very few games Most games all the reviews themselves even say it feels tacked on and gimmicky.

PS3 controller why getter better now with DS3 and i have one myself. It's still not as good as the 360 controller. The PS3 controller leaves a lot to be desired with the trigger buttons. And it's very lightweight design feels kind of cheap. Although with DS3 it does feel much more sturdy. And lets be honest here people the motion senseing in the PS3 controller is LAUGHABLE at best.

The 360 controller on the other hand why yes is the clear winner for FPS games. But it also excels greatly at racing games with the triggers it has. Sports game are great on this controller also. As a whole the 360 controller just feels great in your hands very comfortable and very study feeling. And it has great nice smooth controlled rumble since day one launch. The only small weak point with the 360 controller is for it's D-pad it's only so so for fighters.

All in All =360 controller for the WIN;)


It also used AA batterys since day 1

It has serveral options to charge it and it also AA's you are lazy. Me being the lazy i just buy a bulk pack of AA's for like 5 bucks from Walmart every few months. I have the charge pack and all i'm just laze. 5bucks for easy every few months who give a rats ass really at that point on no 5 bucks:roll:

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#8 Fuzzy_Munch
Member since 2007 • 1018 Posts

The wii mote is a glorified television remote. I don't know why people even call it a controller, it feels like a clunky poorly designed television remote.... with 3 buttons. The ps3 controller is just outdated and needs some much better ergonomics... the sticks are pretty poorly positioned and have a bit too much movement for my liking. I love the fact that they tried to rip off the xbox controller AND the wii-mote in one foul sweep, but did poorly at both. The triggers on the new controller aren't really "triggers" per say... they're just extended l2 and r2 buttons, kinda wonky. And the motion sensing.... ahhh the motion sensing... I don't know why people think this is the next thing in games. IT'S OLD TECH PEOPLE!!! they could've done the same thing with the damn light gun on the origional nes. It doesn't add depth to gameplay if it isn't precise and fairly controllable. The wii seems to be decent in this respect in most games, but it's still pretty funky. I like microsoft's approach to the whole thing though, wait and see how things play out, and then learn from them. Not do what sony did and try to jump into it, taking a huge risk. I'm not a ms fanboy, i actually like the wii and the ps3, i'd buy a ps3... there just aren't any good games for it yet, and i already own a wii... which also doesn't have too many good games. I just like that MS stick to what they know and do it very very well. I like the fact that they didn't include a high definition player by default, it lets us as the consumer make the choice to get one and not worry about which format wins. I like their online system, it's definitely the best. I just love that MS gives you choices, they don't force things down your throat. It's a good approach for gamers i would think, we like having choices, we like deciding what we want to play, how we play it, what we play it with, whether or not to have high def, use a computer monitor, use headphones, mod our consoles, add hard drive space, stream music or video or pictures from a computer, etc.,etc.,etc.... The fact that we are sitting here debating which console is the best is kind of funny. Each console offers something almost completely different from the others, it's hard to even compare them to eachother. It's great to be a gamer in 2008... eviljubs6

You made some good points

Most will RUN from the HUGE wall of TEXT:o

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#9 Fuzzy_Munch
Member since 2007 • 1018 Posts

Yeah but DS2 is the best, ever.BigDaddyPOLO

Last gen it was yes for sure. But not now 360 controller >>>DS2

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#10 Fuzzy_Munch
Member since 2007 • 1018 Posts

360 controller is best for FPS,but thats where it ends. The DS3 feels great and works great overall.


Seriously, this thread is just Lemming fanboy talk, where the hell does it say that 360 controllers are proven to be better at FPS? Its just a matter of preference. Its not like "With the 360 controller, I can turn faster!!11!!1!" No it doesnt work like that

Obviously, I have a ps3 and I play CoD4 just fine.. however, when I play it for the 360, I find the joystick controls a bit clumsy but thats not because a 360 controllers is inferior, its just im used to the ps3 controller

The only problem with your logic is the PS3 version of COD4 has no rumble support:roll: No gun recoil or explosive action. Not even with a DS3 do you get it. It;s not supported.

COD4 SCREEMS give me rumble. 360 version anyone:shock: