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#1 Flame1
Member since 2003 • 463 Posts


i dont see this selling that well.


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#2 Flame1
Member since 2003 • 463 Posts

just found this on n4g.com.

Xbox 360: 61 per cent failure rate

this failure rate doesnt represent the world wide failure rate, and the people taking the pole could have lied but it was on a 360 fansite.

its kind of pathetic.  

sorry if this has already been posted.

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#3 Flame1
Member since 2003 • 463 Posts

Look guys, a lot of us really need to come to terms here. This really is a system war we have on our hands. It's moved to the point where we are attacking each other aside from the systems themselves. Yes, we will always have our differences and yes there will end up being One system that people say is better than the rest. It's only begun though. So let's chill now, and argue Hardcore when it's all almost said and done...eh?chaos-SD

so its decided, we all meet back here in 5 years and whoever wins the console war will be crowned king and declare ownage. 

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#4 Flame1
Member since 2003 • 463 Posts

All of your fanboyism and jealousy is rather pathetic and unbecoming. Everything will take us one second as well:

To access any point in home all we have to do is pull up the psp and we have complete access to what we want. Also your fogetting XBL's fatal flaw, once your sick of your online games and surfing your incredible fasinating word based menu's you have nothing else to do. We on the other hand can enter home to chat with friends or entertain ourselves in the virtual arcade. We can watch movies and enter sponsored spaces to check out exclusives or upcoming games. We have more to do with our system than you do. And ours is FREE. SUCK IT UP AND DEAL.


the PSP as in the playstation portable?

I was referring to the virtual PSP

is that what they call the menu or something...honestly I am not trying to own anybody I am really just curious

yeah you have a virtual psp in home that will take you instantly to whereever you want if you dont want to walk. but you can also use all of the features of home from the xmb as well. 

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#5 Flame1
Member since 2003 • 463 Posts

All of your fanboyism and jealousy is rather pathetic and unbecoming. Everything will take us one second as well:

To access any point in home all we have to do is pull up the psp and we have complete access to what we want. Also your fogetting XBL's fatal flaw, once your sick of your online games and surfing your incredible fasinating word based menu's you have nothing else to do. We on the other hand can enter home to chat with friends or entertain ourselves in the virtual arcade. We can watch movies and enter sponsored spaces to check out exclusives or upcoming games. We have more to do with our system than you do. And ours is FREE. SUCK IT UP AND DEAL.


"We have more to do with our system than you do." That's a good one. I didn't know waiting was a fun time. Oh, I can play arcade and watch videos too. The fanboyism jealsousy flows through your blood too.

Is it free?

That's all you got? "Is it free?" Ok, I got one. Is it $400?

Heres one for you:

do you have to buy your online service, wireless internet connector, and HD-DVD? Do you have to buy only microsoft equipment for your console that has jacked up prices while the PS3 is extremely compatible?

let me add that even the nintendo has wifi, and ms cant even add this to the 360 for anything less than a $100? 

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#6 Flame1
Member since 2003 • 463 Posts

Ever heard of these beings called "girls"? yeah home will have these beings called "Girls". woman love chat programs and Talking to Girls > Playing with boys.


Or guys can just make girl avatars.

you could only tell by voicechat .................maybe.

 just stick to talking to real girls cause its much safer that way ............. but even then it doesnt hurt to ask.

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#7 Flame1
Member since 2003 • 463 Posts

LMAO! For a quick comparison, click a XBL gamercard in a sig then click a PSN fakercard. Owner and out!terrellpakeman

its official gc versus unofficial gc, who really cares. you lems get so defensive about home its really funny.  

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#8 Flame1
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[QUOTE="Flame1"]1) let me try this one more time: you do that all at the same time and all the other users in the homespace can see the same movie that you are playing, and listen to the same music you are playing and ect.2) one thing you cant do live is go to some lobby and **** about home to people you dont know. basically what you all are doing right now. im talking about out of game of course, and yeah you could do that by chatting with people on your friends list but if that was enough you wouldnt be here now would you.format_kid
1) Take you're fanboy goggles off, then maybe you will understand what I said. 2) a) Welcome to systems wars. b) I don't spend every waking hour playing video games. Why aren't you play Resistance right now? I thought it's online was going to kill Halo's because it has however many people it does. Oh that's right, your best FPS is mediocre.

1) whether im a fanboy or not, you cant share music or videos with other users on live, ALL FOR FREE.

2) a)thanks b) i thoughT you xbots would rather play games online than chat with people you dont know? noT playing resistance cause its late and if i start ill have to play for an hour or 2.

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#9 Flame1
Member since 2003 • 463 Posts

[QUOTE="format_kid"]If I had a PS3 with Home, I don't see that changing at all. I'm not going to walk around wasting time doing absolutely nothing when I could be enjoying a game.terrellpakeman

You don't have to walk around if you don't want to, nobody is forcing you, why is this so hard to get. Just go play your game if that is what you would like to do.

People already try to customize whatever they can customize on the 360, now I'm sure some people would enjoy customizing Home.

Exactly. You don't even you use it that much. The simple text based menus in Xbox Live are quick and easy to get around, no point in wasting time walking to other peoples "apartments" just to look at their trophies. It takes about 3 seconds to compare my achievements with someone elses.

Here's the honest truth. If I had home, I wouldn't use it. As a guy, why would I want to go back to another guys house to see trophies. That's so g@y! A gamercard with acheivements is so much easier and relevant. Even if you just beat me in a game, I can bring up a list with your name and see all that you've done in your gaming existence. I don't have to follow you home to see trophies and eat virtual milk and cookies.

actually in home you can bring up stats at any time you dont have to go to a trophy room. 

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#10 Flame1
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[QUOTE="format_kid"]I honestly do not understand why cows think Home is going to make PSN so much better than Xbox Live. You all brag about how the features are going to destroy Xbox Live. I'm not going to just go out an make stuff up, and honestly, I don't know a whole lot about Home, but I do know this: It's pretty much pointless. There is only one point I want to bring up and that is this: 3D is not better than Xbox Lives text based menus. First off, the menus are simple, if I want to see my achievements, takes about a second to get there and then I select the game I want; if I want to add a friend, it only takes as long to click on "Send Friend Request"; I could go on but I'm sure you get the point - the menus are easy to use and nothing takes more than a couple seconds to get too. And Secondly, the main point I wanted to bring up, I spend a very small amount of time in the menus compared to how much I'm actually playing games, maybe 1%, even if that much. If I had a PS3 with Home, I don't see that changing at all. I'm not going to walk around wasting time doing absolutely nothing when I could be enjoying a game. So with that in mind, what's so special about Home that t's going to make PSN amazingly better? I don't see the point of it, it improves online gameplay in no way at all. Have fun walking around in a little sim world while I'm playing games. Or perhaps you cows just bought a PS3 for a 3D version of myspace and not to play games.format_kid

all the features of home will be available in menus additionally if the user prefers it that way. heres a way it can improve online: say for instance you have a bunch of friends who live far away. you can hang out in your little appartment and shoot the s***, listen to music, watch movies, play a little pool minigame (a poker minigame in the appartment would be sweet), and then instantly jump into an online game all together. thats how it would makes things better.

I can already play pool and card games with voice chat AND with the 360 cam. I can also voice chat while watching a movie and go invite them to games without the need to load a 3d world.

live cam > 3d avs

i meant you could do that all together in your homespace. you and your friends play a card minigame while chattiing with each other while playing music or while watching a movie all together. that means you are listening to the same music wathcing the same movie, not playing a cd from the hard drive or chatting while watching your own movie. yeah you could do that in real life but maybe your friends live several hours away and you cant hang out with them like normal. and on live you can only chat with people you are playing games with or have in your friends list, something home is not limited to.

1) If you can play a card game, listen to music, AND watch a movie at the same time, while you're all talking to each other, kudos to you. MAJOR kudos to you, you must have superpowers. 2) On Live you can private chat with anyone on your friends list, and do whatever you please while you are. It doesn't matter if you're playing online or offline, your friend is in the dashboard, or your friend is playing a different game, you can still talk to each other.

1) let me try this one more time: you do that all at the same time and all the other users in the homespace can see the same movie that you are playing, and listen to the same music you are playing and ect.

2) one thing you cant do live is go to some lobby and **** about home to people you dont know. basically what you all are doing right now. im talking about out of game of course, and yeah you could do that by chatting with people on your friends list but if that was enough you wouldnt be here now would you.