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[QUOTE="FIREBURNER21"]There you go again with your physics....Dude I don't know what planet your coming from but Chronicles of Riddick on the xbox was the one game that really push the graphics on the Xbox....Even on the ps2 Valve released the original half life and it was also garbage....So running half life 2 on the xbox wasnt the next coming like your making it out to be.....I would rather spend money on some other game than waste money on a half ass game with bugs galore even if it had physics........TyrantDragon55

I'm not saying it's the second comming, but the fact that they managed to get a game of Half Life 2's scale to work on the original XBox is an impressive feet, even if the framerate does chop up once you start getting fancy with the physics. Where is all this "I would rather spend my money on such and such" comming from? Again, I'm not argueing over which games are better than the others (the actual game part of Half Life 2 is kinda overrated if you ask me), I'm arguing over which developers are more talented programmers. And what exactly was so bad about Half Life 1 on the PS2?

Listen this is going to be an on going discussion here.....Im simply stating that Valve instead of talking crap about a console should try it first...Gabe Newell put his damn foot in his fat mouth when he said those harsh words If your team is that talented in programming games than prove it by making a great game on all consoles....And since where on the topic of great programmers imho Id software are a much better developer than Valve....

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One fact I have learned on SW is that every single PS3 user has a top end gamer PC so it is no biggie they will just buy the PC version.


Well of course why waste money on a console that constantly has deffects and has all the fps shooters thatplay better and look better on a pc......A PS3 for playing games that can only be found on a Sony platform and Pc for fps shooters, mmorpg's and the best RTS games.......

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??????? ok where did this loony come from.....I see ur avatar says I feel asleep plz stay
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There you go again with your physics....Dude I don't know what planet your coming from but Chronicles of Riddick on the xbox was the one game that really push the graphics on the Xbox....Even on the ps2 Valve released the original half life and it was also garbage....So running half life 2 on the xbox wasnt the next coming like your making it out to be.....I would rather spend money on some other game than waste money on a half ass game with bugs galore even if it had physics........And stop defending there lazyness if they really wanted to maximize there profits then they would have split up there so called TECHNICAL expertize and utilized them on both consoles.........
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Heres is 2 for you based on my crystal ball it would have to be White Knight Story Level 5 isconstantly pumping out hits and of course Final Fantasy 13...........
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please dont use half life's xbox game as an example of there techincal expertise that game was horrible.....bad frame rates....extremely long load times and graphically it was very bad.....Chronicles of Riddick wipe the floor with that game in the graphic department....Talk about a waste of resources.....And who is to say that the PS3 version if valve really wanted to do it wouldnt have been phenominal???? There just some lazy ass pc developers that favor the system "if it ain't broke dont fix it""
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[QUOTE="FIREBURNER21"]Anyone who follows a developers track record would know that this game was doomed for failure once it was released from those pricks at Valve and given to EA to work on.......Sucks for them though since no one with intelligance would by this game for the PS3 anyway.There loss..........Gabe Newell Sucks as a developer maybe he should get trained by the big boys at INfinty Ward on learning how to create games on new technology.....TyrantDragon55

Did you really just question Valve's technical expertise? Dude they made a game in 2004 that not only puts most so called "next gen" games to shame, but can run on almost any PC. The fact that you mentioned Infinity Ward is even more laughable, considering CoD4's almost complete lack of physics.

Damn right im questioning there technical expertise......I wasn't aware that physics is what makes a game?....And if I was so concerned about physics then I would go play Resistance fall of man over and over just to see all the physics in that game......also Infinity Ward didnt have much physics in any of there games and it still managed to receive high score in practically all the magazines and gaming websites......

Physics don't make a game, but that's not what we're talking about here, we're talking about developer's programming skills here. Even Halo 3, the game people love to make fun of so much for it's graphics, has a physics system implemented that is atleast on par with Half Life 2. Call of Duty 4 has nothing at all, and on top of that has but ugly textures once you get up close. Do not compare Infinitey Ward to Valve, the only developer that should even be mentioned in the same sentence as Valve when it comes to programming is ID software.

Where not talking about physics then why bring up the fact that COD 4 doesnt use them ? In terms of programming Valve were ahead of there game not anymore or not at the moment good programmers familiarize themselves and are open to new tech.....which is what Infinity Ward demonstrated with all there versions of CoD4....and lets face it Valve decided to bring half life orange box to the 360 because of its architexture is almost exactly the same as a pc...So they really don't have to put any effort into porting the game....Wow they really showed there techinical giving the game to EA....:roll:

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Well in closing can we seea list of some of the 360 exclusives that are confirmed for coming out in 2008???????????
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[QUOTE="FIREBURNER21"]Anyone who follows a developers track record would know that this game was doomed for failure once it was released from those pricks at Valve and given to EA to work on.......Sucks for them though since no one with intelligance would by this game for the PS3 anyway.There loss..........Gabe Newell Sucks as a developer maybe he should get trained by the big boys at INfinty Ward on learning how to create games on new technology.....TyrantDragon55

Did you really just question Valve's technical expertise? Dude they made a game in 2004 that not only puts most so called "next gen" games to shame, but can run on almost any PC. The fact that you mentioned Infinity Ward is even more laughable, considering CoD4's almost complete lack of physics.

Damn right im questioning there technical expertise......I wasn't aware that physics is what makes a game?....And if I was so concerned about physics then I would go play Resistance fall of man over and over just to see all the physics in that game......also Infinity Ward didnt have much physics in any of there games and it still managed to receive high score in practically all the magazines and gaming websites......

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If your going to jump into next gen developing as a developer you should be trying to resolve the issue of working with new hardware than bad mouthing it and saying that its a pos....Many developers are starting to really open up on the PS3 hardware and make great games and Infinity Ward was chosing as an example of that