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#1 Erik_Lensherr
Member since 2008 • 1340 Posts

[QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"]Is the general public really fickle enough to allow McCain to play the POW card this many times? Are people genuinely going to vote for this guy because he was in the military forty years ago?nocoolnamejim

When our country is in a state of war with Iraq and on the edge with several other countires (Iran, Venezuala, North Korea, Russia, etc..) Yeah I believe no matter how long ago military expreience is huge. Let's just say alot bigger than a law degree. Again this man has none , zero foreign policy experience add that to no military experience . It just doesn;t work in situation the US is facing.

Actually, he's been serving on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee his entire time in the Senate. He's written policy papers on a whole host of subjects. For example, he stated that invading Iraq would be a bad idea that would lead to an indefinite occupation and undetermined cost. Judgment trumps experience for me. I also disagree that a law degree is unimportant at this time. Constitutional Law in particular. We're been dealing with issues such as "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques" (Torture: Which McCain, a former POW voted IN FAVOR of), indefinite detention of people charged with no crime, rendition, attorney firing scandal, etc. Having someone who actually knows the Constitution and has taught classes on it swearing the oath of office to defend and protect it would seem to be particularly pertinent experience.

Yes but interpretation of the constitution is not an Executive priviledge that is the job of the Judicial branch.

Granted, but not trying to do things that violate the Constitution, either deliberately or because of ignorance, is important in a good president. I believe our current president has been violating the Constitution repeatedly. To me, Obama's being a lecturer on Constitutional Law for 12 years (8 as senior lecturer) is a definite plus. We can argue about the weighting involved, how MUCH of a plus it should be compared to other factors and experiences, but it certainly can't hurt for a president to be deeply versed on the Constitution and to love it enough that he devoted 12 years of his life teaching others to interpret and follow it better.

We might disagree about this also but as far as I'm concerned people that kill innocent civilians on purpose and behead people not involved in the war are not awarded constitutional rights or geneva convention rights. If this was a war against an established country it would be different these Al-Queda scum deserve nothing. "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques" are totally acceptable to me with these people.

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#2 Erik_Lensherr
Member since 2008 • 1340 Posts

[QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"]Is the general public really fickle enough to allow McCain to play the POW card this many times? Are people genuinely going to vote for this guy because he was in the military forty years ago?nocoolnamejim

When our country is in a state of war with Iraq and on the edge with several other countires (Iran, Venezuala, North Korea, Russia, etc..) Yeah I believe no matter how long ago military expreience is huge. Let's just say alot bigger than a law degree. Again this man has none , zero foreign policy experience add that to no military experience . It just doesn;t work in situation the US is facing.

Actually, he's been serving on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee his entire time in the Senate. He's written policy papers on a whole host of subjects. For example, he stated that invading Iraq would be a bad idea that would lead to an indefinite occupation and undetermined cost. Judgment trumps experience for me. I also disagree that a law degree is unimportant at this time. Constitutional Law in particular. We're been dealing with issues such as "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques" (Torture: Which McCain, a former POW voted IN FAVOR of), indefinite detention of people charged with no crime, rendition, attorney firing scandal, etc. Having someone who actually knows the Constitution and has taught classes on it swearing the oath of office to defend and protect it would seem to be particularly pertinent experience.

Yes but interpretation of the constitution is not an Executive priviledge that is the job of the Judicial branch.

Obama would be better suited for a run at the supreme court

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#3 Erik_Lensherr
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[QUOTE="Erik_Lensherr"] Did you know FDR one of the most respected Presidents ever and one of the most important couldn't even walk on his own and was paralyzed from the waist down. Yet he had people that would allow him to walk. Same as how there are people that would handle that side for him. This is no a detraction in my opinion. But I can see how some might think otherwise.Ninja-Hippo

Your ability to walk does not make you out of touch. That's an actual disability. Being completely computer illiterate is not a disability, but a lack of knowledge and capability. Not being able to use email means you simply arent up to speed with current standards, and arent adequatly in touch with the working world around you to be president.

Well we can agree to disagree, however is this something that would sway you from voting for someone. I know it wouldn't for me. As I said these are things that are always done by staffers, you think bush writes his own email? I think not. Let's say there was an attack on our US network, you think Obama is gonna be like get me a computer I'll handle this.

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#4 Erik_Lensherr
Member since 2008 • 1340 Posts

Is the general public really fickle enough to allow McCain to play the POW card this many times? Are people genuinely going to vote for this guy because he was in the military forty years ago?Ninja-Hippo

When our country is in a state of war with Iraq and on the edge with several other countires (Iran, Venezuala, North Korea, Russia, etc..) Yeah I believe no matter how long ago military expreience is huge. Let's just say alot bigger than a law degree. Again this man has none , zero foreign policy experience add that to no military experience . It just doesn;t work in situation the US is facing.

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#5 Erik_Lensherr
Member since 2008 • 1340 Posts

[QUOTE="nocoolnamejim"]There is a difference from being physically impaired from using a computer, and mentally not knowing how to use one. That Senator McCain is not currently knowledgeable about basic mainstream technologies like computers and email is a relevant point towards his qualifications for the office of which he is seeking. It's like someone not being aware of the significance of the Industrial Revolution twenty years after it happened. Edit: Pointing out this lack of knowledge is also very different from making fun of a physical impairment.Ninja-Hippo

Sorry have to disagree on the importance of a President not being a computer expert. Also do we really know how much or little he knows about computers? Even if he didn't he has people that can handle this for him. Foreign policy, Economy, etc seems a little more important than being able to maintain a facebook page , agree?

Do you not think it slightly concerning that if a member of the administration wished to contact McCain via email, he would have to have a member of staff print that email off for him to read? He would then have to write or dictate a reply for that person to go and type out and email back.

That just doesnt sound like someone who should be at the helm of a nation. That sounds like somebody who is out of touch, who should be retiring and settling down, not advancing to one of the most important jobs in the world.

Did you know FDR one of the most respected Presidents ever and one of the most important couldn't even walk on his own and was paralyzed from the waist down. Yet he had people that would allow him to walk. Same as how there are people that would handle that side for him. This is no a detraction in my opinion. But I can see how some might think otherwise.

*edit* That sounds like somebody who is out of touch, who should be retiring and settling down, not advancing to one of the most important jobs in the world. Yet he got us through the war

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#6 Erik_Lensherr
Member since 2008 • 1340 Posts

Haha, uhhhhh, Obama, uhhhhhh, he, uhhhhh, ......uhhh, umm,. He's a , uhhhh, good at quick, uhh, uh uh, comebacks.

*crowd goes wild. Lol, sorry, he's a great speaker, but thats how he talks without a teleprompter.


I don't see how you can think that's a bad thing... At least he doesn't sound like he's reading from notecards like Palin and McCain do. Did you watch the interview with Palin by Charles Gibson? She spouted out every response perfectly like she had been rehearsing them for days. At least it seems like Obama is thinking about what he's going to say.

Don;t be fooled by a great speaker, especially one that doesn't write his own. Tell me this isn't embarassing now if this was his own don't you think he could go on ..really embarrasing.

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#7 Erik_Lensherr
Member since 2008 • 1340 Posts

There is a difference from being physically impaired from using a computer, and mentally not knowing how to use one. That Senator McCain is not currently knowledgeable about basic mainstream technologies like computers and email is a relevant point towards his qualifications for the office of which he is seeking. It's like someone not being aware of the significance of the Industrial Revolution twenty years after it happened. Edit: Pointing out this lack of knowledge is also very different from making fun of a physical impairment.nocoolnamejim

Sorry have to disagree on the importance of a President not being a computer expert. Also do we really know how much or little he knows about computers? Even if he didn't he has people that can handle this for him. Foreign policy, Economy, etc seems a little more important than being able to maintain a facebook page , agree?

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#8 Erik_Lensherr
Member since 2008 • 1340 Posts

Little Big planet! Denie that! ALLLlalalaLastRedMage

Oh here we go , numerous cows are about to post games that are not even out yet in 3....2....1

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#9 Erik_Lensherr
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[QUOTE="gdp72"]Are you saying that the 360 has 100 AAA games? If you are, you are the one in denial.lost_cheeto

no. im saying pretty most of the good games you get are already available on the 360. the only thing your gaining by not using the 360 is less then a hamdful of exclusives. come to the dark side. come to 360 and you can play more then 100 CURRENT GENERATION games. Im sorry but if i could choose between a rather large current generation game lineup and a past generation lineup i think i choose current. especially if im spending 400 smackers for it.

Don't you realize cows really don't argue about games anymore it's all about the features of there PS3. or free online, or the sales game. They really cannot argue about best Library. Oh yeah except MGS4 /thread :roll: makes them feel better to have one highly rated game.
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#10 Erik_Lensherr
Member since 2008 • 1340 Posts

seriously though. you have "maybe" 10 really good rated games for your 400 dollar system and how many of those 10 is exclusive to just the ps3. i think there is some serious denial going on when it comes to people who have bought this system whether it was a good decision.

I look at the 360 library of games that are aaa and they wont even fit on a shelf. In fact so many 360 owners cant even decide wich games to buy half the time because there is so many good titles out.

come to the dark side. seriously, will you miss the 10 exclusives you cant play on the 360. i would think the 100+ current generation of library games would be a good trade.

That will not happen most Cows follow Sony blindley, and only because they are Sony. If next generation they came out with motion controls all cows would say how "innovative and revolutionary" this idea is even though Nintendo did it this generation. And that Nintendo's version sucked because they didn't implement it right. I myself would buy a PS3 if they had enough games to warrant, I go where the games are NOT were the sales go.