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#1 Darth_Vader1_4
Member since 2005 • 33 Posts

Adaptable, relentless. 

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#2 Darth_Vader1_4
Member since 2005 • 33 Posts

I see people playing 24/7 to be a bigger problem then someone finding out how to max leveling up in 2-3 hours per day with XP bonus. I am not saying my sistem is perfect but I belive it would be healthier if a sistem that encourages moderate playing would be found and implemented.

As for the factions idea, I guess you are right, it probably isn't that good.

Still I haven't seen anyone comment on the combat sistem and status bars I suggested. 

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#3 Darth_Vader1_4
Member since 2005 • 33 Posts

Nice to see some feedback. Well most of the ideas I put forward where late during the night so there are some things I may have left out.

First to prevent abuse of people grinding 24/7 there should be a sistem of gaining XP faster simmilar to that in WOW. Firstly the XP bonus will be proportional to the ammount of time you are logged but the effect will be much larger then in WOW. So someone logs out for 12 hours when he comes back he will have a either a bonus of 200% more XP for 6 hours or a bonus of 600% XP for 2 hours, or something like that, also the bonus aplies to quests XP. That means that someone who plays just 2 to 3 hours per day will still be able to compete with someone playing 24/7 hours per day.

Also to adress the problem of people having simmilar to identical caracters I propose creating a sistem of factions. Factions will be somewhat like guilds, joining them will grant you some special bonuses. You start out as lets say a civilian, and then you can chose to ally yourself with factions like Rangers, Armies or Wizzard groups or Merchants. You can only allign yourself with 1 or 2 and they provide bonuses in this sense that they give you access to weapons, armors and materials at reduce prices and more importantly to they provide you with different trainers, these can teach you combos and give you quests to provide you with quests. Also you can furthur specialise yourself with your faction, like you could become a survivor Ranger or a hunter Ranger, a Infantry soldier, or a Cavalry soldier. I am not sure if aligning yourself with a faction should be permanet.

Movement and navigating around the map should also be changed a bit. In addition to walking, running, jumping and swimming you should now be able to climb. Like in adventure games (POP) you should be able to walk up to jump and grab on to the ledges move around them. This will be especialy fun in dungeons because you will no longer be restricted to exploring in a linear fasion, you can walk around explore, and look around for ledges or places to climb up and find doors and diffrent places to explore. It could even work in outdoors if you want to explore a cannions and mountains there could be endless posibilities to find hidden caves that cointain anything from hidden treasures, tresure maps and dungeons to even hermits that send you on quests or teach you some secret combos or spells.

Keep providing feedback we might invent the next gen MMO :D 


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#4 Darth_Vader1_4
Member since 2005 • 33 Posts

Right now I don't really see a lot of MMOs that I would call trully next gen.

However I do have a good idea of what the next gen MMO would be and should be and I am going to share them here (hope that if someone copies them they will at least put them to good use).

Now the combat sistem needs to be completly rethought, no more EQ or WoW tipe combat, trow all of it out, the new combat sistem should be a combination of Star Wars Jedi Academy, LOTR The Return of the King and Prince of Persia The Two Thrones.

Now status bars, well you won't have a traditional health bar like in most games, instead you will have a portrait of your caracter showing the different body parts, and next to that 2 more bars, a stamina bar and a health bar.

Now the role of the protrait is to get a more realistic description of damage, so if you get hit in different body parts it will impact upon combat differently, if you get hit in the arms can't sprint as fast, if you get hit in your main arm (you should be able to chose if your character will be right or left handed) then your combat abilities will be weakend, and if you get hit in critical body parts you could die (abdomen and head). At first the portrait is blue however the different body parts willl turn to green, yellow, orange or red to indicate how mutch damage they have absorbed. What this health sistem will do is make combat more dinamic and realistic and make it more tactica; like, how do I want to fight? should I seek to quickly kill with strikes to the head and abdomen or do I want to criple my enemy first?

Then the stamina bar, well stamina determines how much you can run, swim, climb etc but it also plays a key role in combat. You will basicly have 2 or 3 combat buttons, for like main attack, fast attack, heavy attack, these on their own do little damage and use little stamina but you can combine them to make some really neat and awsome looking combos, combine that with different moves like jumping, lunging, pushing and pulling and you get some really awsome moves.  The idea behind this is to make the combat even more dinamical, fun and addictive and less repetitive and of course more skill orientated, it should be easy to get into but hard to master and really fun. To combat these offensive combos you will be able to use some defensive combos that are just as cool and effective, again it will be a matter or skill in learning how to use the right combos.

The last status bar will be a mana bar, now you will have 3 kinds of spells, telekinetics, suport, and destruction magics. Telekinetics will be probably the most popular for use in combat because you can use them in combos to make them more potent, like pulling and enemy towards you and slashing them or pushing and enemy backwards and lunging forward to stab them. Suport will mainly deal with healing and protection spells, destruction will be for pure magical use but again I think a sistem of making magic combos should be added to make even this more fun.

Now the gameplay, well you don't have a level cap so to speek, you start off neutral being able to use all the low level skills and magics available, however the more you use one skill the more you level it up, this way you can become whatever you want, a master swordslashing warrior with thelekinetic powers, a swift and stealthy archer, maybe a sillent and deadly assassin. The different skill bars will however have levels but it shouldn't be to hard to raise them.

And now items, well basicly items will now be more realistic, in the sense that they will have a certain a attack speed and damage. A two hand hammer made out of iron will logicaly be slower to use but pack a bigger punch. Also the tipe of damage different tipe of weapons do will be different, like maces and hammers will be better for cripling blows agains legs and arms while sword will be better for finishing moves agains the chest and head, that is also because of how a weapon realisticly responds. In real life it will be very hard to try and get a hammer blow against a persons chest because it wasn't made for that the hammer is made to be swoung around and thus will logicaly do more damage against the arms and legs, however swords have more flexibility and can be used for lunging attacks against the abdomen. The materials out of which the weapons are made will also have an impact on their performance, a wooden polearm won't do as much damage as a pike but it will be potentialy faster.

Armor will also work different, you will have variations of light, medium and heavy armor, light will be fur or leather, medium will be bronze or iron chainmail and heavy will be iron plate and steal. The heavies armor provides the best protection but at a cost, it makes you less agille and makes combos consume more stamina, this is realistic since in real life a man fighting in a heavy iron suit will tire out faster then one fighting in a light leather or shirt suit.

So when it comes down to weapons and armor it all depends upon preference if you decide to become an iron clad juggernaut wielding a massive two handed steel hammer or a warrior wearing light fur and wielding a wooden pole since all of these tipes of armors and weapons will be balanced out in a realistic fasion.

You should have different crafting profesions to make things fun, however creating armors and weapons won't allow you to create items that break the rules of realism, like a super fast two handed weapon or a dagger with enormeus damage, these should be more about fun and about pride since you could actualy customize your armor or weapons. You would be able to make items out of a variety of materials, you can craft a weapon with individual parts of it out of diffrent materials, like creating the main part of a spear from wood or bronze and the tip from iron. You would be able to customize its looks by using diffrent colors on it, or by altering the shape of your weapon and adding diffrent carvings. So this way you would even be able to creat the Soul Reaver sword from Legacy of Kain or Frostmourne from Warcraft III. Crafting will in this way become more fun and less a matter of grinding to get a better weapon and armour.

The PVP will benefit from the new combat sistem, however creating a PVP sistem that is fun and rewarding for a vast array of people is beyond me, I hope the combat sistem will be the biggest boost to the PVP.

Well those where my ideas, hope they make a good read, what do you people think? 

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#5 Darth_Vader1_4
Member since 2005 • 33 Posts

Like others have said, it's impossible to pick a single game out of all the hundreds of wonderful games we have had over the last 10 years and lable one the best. For one there are different geners all of them brilliant in their own way, and comparing games from different geners is really hard if not impossible as well.  Also chosing the best games is more down to a matter o opinion, to get an objective answer you would have to look every game over with a critical eye and find the best in them and compare them and that would take a long time.

However if I had to name my favorites they would be.

RTS: Age of Empires II- The Conqueros, I loved that game and I would still be playing it if the zone wasn't closed, such a shame; Star Wars: Empire at War- Forces of Corruption, I really enjoy having a skirmish from time to time and other times just setting the scene for a grand battle and switching to the battle cam and enjoy the scene like it was a movie; Warcraft III- The Frozen Throne, hours of replay value thanks to the map edditor; C & C series, all of them are great. 

FPS: Counter-Strike, fast paced simple and still fun; Star Wars Battlefront II, more like a tactical shooter, flight sim and jedi game all in one but still loads of fun.

Racing: NFS series, especialy from Underground onward; Revlot, its surprising how enjoyable racing toy cars actualy was.

RTS: Kotor series, superbly done;

Action Adventure: Jedi Knights series; Indiana Johnes games, Indy rocks any day; Legacy of Kain series, incredible, the puzzles and the story always kept me going, and solving the puzzles, gather the clues and watching the story unfold was fantastic; Prince of Persia series, all of them where great, and every part about them was great, the puzzles, the combat, the story.

These are my favorites, and if you would ask me to single out a single game from those and name one the best I would say it is imposible. 

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#6 Darth_Vader1_4
Member since 2005 • 33 Posts

So to answer your question Iran, in this regard CnC 3 is just like Generals.Virus214
No its not. Its BETTER then generals... and how can a game NOT USE PHYSICS ?!?! go back through high school man, Physics are in practically any game... When someone gets shot and falls to the ground... THATS PHYSICS. You notice that when buildings are destroyed, you get debris? ? THATS PHYSICS.... pwnt

Wrong! Just because a game has debrish, because that debrish falls to the ground doesn't mean a game has physiscs.  Often times something like that is animated, and it has been used in games for years. Tiberium Wars doesn't use a physiscs engine, it just uses animations, whenever a unit dies you willl notice it dies the same way. If a rocket hits a soldier he won't fly off in a realistic fasion, tumble one or twice then hit the ground, however if you play COH you willl probaby see something like that and quite often but never the same, because the COH does use physics engine and it uses it very well.

So NO, C&C 3: Tiberium Wars isn't as realistic as COH, but it's still a lot of fun.


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