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Nintendo won't Die and everyone know's they won't. Nintendo made a console to be affordable and fun just like consoles have always been made. Sony and Microsoft went after the PC market and almost lost everything because of it (google it its true).

Nintendo didn't make the Wii U thinking about Unreal 4 because it can't be done right by any console NOT just Nintendo's console. A console will probably be able to play games with Unreal 4 for a little bit before your get what the PS3 and 360 have done for the last few years that's play dubbed down versions of games compared to there PC counterpart.

I don't know why anyone would be looking forward to a PS4 or 720, is it just me or has everyone forgotten about the RROD or the YLOD or paying for an online littered with advertisements or having a network hacked and shut down. It took Microsoft 5 years before they could make a new 360 that was stable and didn't burn its self out trying to keep up with what some call Hardcore Games (I've been through 4 already).

I'm going to play my Wii U for Nintendo games like Zelda, Metroid, Mario etc... and maybe some 3RD party games because a Nintendo is a fun cheep and a stable system that offers a way to play that i cant get anywhere else.

I'll stick to my PC for the Crazy powerful games it plays them better then any Console ever could. Why would anyone go out and pay $500+ for a console that doesn't support your old games or downloads or controllers just to play dubbed down games when a decent gaming PC isn't much more expensive ( check it out).

I couldn't care if Unreal 4 isn't coming to the Wii U or if Frostbite ever comes to anything (I fuckin hate EA). Those are powerful engines that need powerful systems to play them. If graphic power and online features is that important then again a PC is the better choice. Because nothing they call NEXT GEN will be next gen for long especially when we are talking about consoles.

For something affordable, fun, and RELIABLE go for the Wii U. If hardcore is the goal then PC. If someone wants to fool themselves and think there hardcore by buying a 720/PS4 then go do that, go up to the Vid store and pre-order it they can take there peddle bike and make dirt bike sounds or take there K car and make Ferrari sounds if they really like pretending there Hardcore.

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Edited By CrazyOldCracker

@BlueTurtz @link_hero_x says the guy sporting the Master Chief Avatar

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Funny how they say they won't make it run on Wii U not that it can't be done on Wii U.

I'm sad to see Unreal 4 skipping Wii U even though its is fully capable of running it and Frostbite well **** EA they suck anyway. As for Nintendo I will enjoy playing Nintendo games like Zelda and Metroid etc... But when it comes to Crazy powerful games, the PC is where it's at because nothing they call next gen will be next gen in 2 years anyway and we will all be playing dubbed down console games again.

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@ClaudiusCaesar @CrazyOldCracker @Rickystickyman I'm not talking about playing a Downloaded copy of Assassins Creed or something like that what I mean is there is no reason why I can't still have my PSN games like Mega Man 9 & 10, Earthworm Jim, Mortal Kombat Arcade, and those type of games.

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@Rickystickyman I can kind of see not being PS3 backwards compatible it always helps at the start though but hardly gets used later on , but the PSN games not being compatible is just plan stupid. They go on about there network but leave out network games? why.

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@LeonsKnnedy I agree it is a slap in the face and with this No Used Games rumor I don't think i will through anymore money away on PlayStation. My self I will just stick to my PC and Wii U

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Digital downloads woulden't bother me if they lowered the price they charge for games. I don't really want to buy a Digital Game and pay $60.00 when i can buy a physical copy of the game play it enjoy it and then sell it and put that money towards my next game.

If it worked like Steam i wouldn't care they have great sales, I don't know why PS/Xbox/Wii charge so much for Digital Games when no one is being payed to put the game on a disk make a booklet package it ship it. Usually buying things Factory Direct is cheeper but not in the Console world.

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@Garlador Nice Garlador, Pictures do speak a thousand words.

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I would just like to say every Nintendo Hater that has left a comment on a Nintendo article using the words FANBOY, GIMMICK, and HARDCORE are Tards that need to get Lives.

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This article is rediculous in my opinion, the only downfall to the Wii U I have noticed is the Battery life of the Controller. The storage is fine on the system just use a thumb drive or a external hard drive if you really need more space remember the Xbox 360 core system which didn't even come with a hard drive now that was stupid.

I have Darksiders II on my external hard drive USB 2.0 and it runs fine no problems or issues with it, so why do i need a USB 3.0 oh wait i guess i don't.

The loading issues im sure will be taken care of over time but 12 seconds isn't the end of the world how many OS updates have the other systems had so far to work as well as they do, I know my 360's dashboard doesn't look anything like it did when i first got it.

The Controller is amazing and it worked really well with ZombiU and Darksiders II and never once did i feel like i had to pinch the screen for any reason come to think of it i have never had to do it on my Vita either. The stylus is a thing im glad that they never tryed to get rid of I love seeing some of the pictures people draw its pretty amazing if u ask me. The battery life does suck which i hope can be fixed in the future but for now it sucks having to have it pluged in all the time.

Data Transfer from the Wii to the Wii U wasn't hard at all and im glad that they even gave us that option because they really didn't have to they could have done what Xbox did and say up yours. All that time i spent playing Knights of the Old Republic is traped on my old Xbox.

Im looking forward to all the next gen consols and the more support we give them the better the experience will be for all of us. The Wii U has far more Pros then Cons no system (except for the Super Nintendo) have ever been perfect.