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#1 Crash_WL
Member since 2008 • 2660 Posts
Nope, it's just a simple chip for playing pirated copies and that's it, nothing fancy. As of the chip's quality though, I'm not aware of that. And yes, I asked the guy at the store if it will play original copies and if there's any side-effects with them, and he said nothing's going to go wrong. Thanks for the answers guys, much appreciated!
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#2 Crash_WL
Member since 2008 • 2660 Posts

Hey people!

So today, I bought an Xbox console (the old, not 360, obviously). It was second-hand, I couldn't afford a sealed one, and the guy at the store cut me some money because he said "it's modded" with a chip. I won't pirate games, I'm collecting them so why would I?

My question is: will this mod ruin the console some time later? It's not much, I got the whole package for 50, but it's just the hassle of going through it again and all that. Thanks for your time, chaps!

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#3 Crash_WL
Member since 2008 • 2660 Posts
Nah, if you love something, you love it. I still play my PSX and PS2, hell I play Pokemon on my Gameboys.
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#4 Crash_WL
Member since 2008 • 2660 Posts
Answering for ChiefFreeman; it needs some online games to ensure people will stick to it. DC Universe Online? Something entirely new? Sony's call. PSO2 will definietly sell some systems. Apart from that type, I'd love some Demon's/Dark Souls type of game, and a third person shooter in the vein of Unit 13, but more solid. It also needs a Metal Gear exclusive, and an open world game.
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#5 Crash_WL
Member since 2008 • 2660 Posts
I'm installing Resistance: Burning Skies as I'm typing. Can't wait to try it out! The first true handheld FPS, with dual sticks and all - it's fascinating. There's been a ton of others, but on the PSP at least (I'm not sure there's ever been one on Nintendo's handhelds), the schemes were weird.
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#6 Crash_WL
Member since 2008 • 2660 Posts
What surprised me is how solid the online play via wi-fi is, as noted regarding my Mortal Kombat matches. If it's like that on all games, it truly is a serious new entry in the competitive scene!
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#7 Crash_WL
Member since 2008 • 2660 Posts
Depends, if you don't mind it sitting for a bit until October, when the huge games come. But nevertheless, I have Mortal Kombat on my PS3, and I've played tens of hours of it, and the Vita just invites me to play more, plus it includes the DLC characters which I never got around to buying! It's not just a gaming machine, it has a lot of other greatly implemented features, and I'd love to see new apps sprout up for it! :)
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#8 Crash_WL
Member since 2008 • 2660 Posts

Well, I held out for it long enough for good games to release. I was originally going to get it this October, with Black Ops II Declassified and AC Liberation, along with Resistance, Unit 13 and maybe Mortal Kombat. But, it was on sale for 30 less, bundled with Mortal Kombat, 4GB memory and a slick protective case. All this would jump up to 300, while I got it for 240, discount included.

Ever since I set it up, it's been a blast. Everything works so fast, it's got a ton of cool features, it plays exactly like my PS3, and judging from Mortal Kombat, online is very solid (Wi-fi model). The apps are fine and they'll keep coming, and I can't wait for more games for it! I understand that it's not very popular due to the lack of many worthwhile titles that cater to all audiences, like the 3DS, but still, I consider it the handheld of the future, it really is impressive.

Also, Soul Sacrifice, Warrior's Lair, Phantasy Star Online 2 and more are coming to it, along with those I mentioned at the start. I'm really glad I got it, finally, and I'm constantly playing.

What's everyone's opinion about it? Was it worth your while? What games are you waiting for? :)

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#9 Crash_WL
Member since 2008 • 2660 Posts

I can safely say I don't regret my pre-order and purchase. The game is incredibly fun, and although I'm kind of "jealous" that TDM is only available for the PC version, it doesn't bother me all that much. With every headshot I pull off, entering bullet time, hearing "my" heart pounding, calculating drop distance and the wind factor, I get a smile on my face because I pulled it off. This game is made by a small studio, published by a small publisher, but can give me more fun and smiles than AA or AAA games, I think this speaks ton about the game itself.

Don't let reviews ruin it for you, there's a demo available, try it and if you like what you play, get the game. Developers behind such games are worth supporting.

Oh, and, if you want to play online together, add me: Unbreakable13.

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#10 Crash_WL
Member since 2008 • 2660 Posts

Hello everyone! I'd want to ask you all your opinion on something.

My console doesn't get the love it deserves - not enough playtime as of recently. So I'm looking to expand my library with games that are online-enabled, and are still kicking. I have the Halo's, and the GoW's, of course, as well as other X360 exclusives and a couple multiplatforms. I mainly like third-person shooters a lot, whether it's Gears, GRAW or anything in between that's not way too over the top. Meaning, I like military shooters way more than futuristic ones. Gears is futuristic, but it uses the regular bullets and gun-style I like, so games in its vein I will like. Also, I think the Splinter Cell games have an online competitive component? I've played up to Double Agent, sorry for being uninformed on that. If we have any multiplatform people here; I loved Metal Gear Online (1 and 2, countless hours into them), I like Uncharted's multiplayer but doesn't exactly suck me in, and I like the SOCOM titles.

To sum up: I want your suggestions for online-enabled titles, preferably with competitive options, that are third-person shooters, with an active online community big enough to find me a match in less than 2-3 minutes (internet speed is fine, stable at around 7MBPS), that are not based on laser warfare. I don't mind if it's (relatively) new or old, as long as it has some active playerbase.

I hope the thread doesn't get ignored or flamed due to my next statement (immaturity is everywhere on the world), but I'd like to say that my main online platform is the PS3, and I get most multiplatform titles for it, so games like Red Dead Redemption, Binary Domain (which is awesome by the way), Army of Two, and the like I already have. I'm getting Mass Effect 3 on my computer (imported saves, plus I want it to look beautiful), and I'm tired of FPS'.

Thank you for your help and your time!