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#1 Bane_09
Member since 2010 • 3394 Posts


Instead of giving you the half assed answer of "LOL TC thats not charity" I will try to engage with you because while I do not think people should be forced to give more, it is a moral issue that deserves a closer look. The issue then is that many people have more than they need, and many people cannot meet their needs.

I will assume the basis of your argument is "People should give more to charity" and that the reason is to "alleviate suffering". You specifically mention greed but I take it your stance is greed is bad because it prevents money and resources from going to those who truly need it.


So we start with the basis that "suffering from lack of food and other needed to survive resources is bad" (I assume these are the kind of charities you speak of TC?) You were very vague.

I also think you would agree TC and that most others on here would too that "One person's suffering from lack of resources is not greater than another person's suffering from lack of resources". This assumes that two people suffering in equal amounts, are both equally deserving of help. So someone needing food in the US is no more important than someone needing food in India. 

In the past with limited technology, it was not possible to give someone across the world moral consideration but with todays technology it is very easy. Also in the modern setting we have a very robust welfare system that provides for the needs of the people in our own country(It's efficiency can certainly be questioned but that is for another conversation) So I would say that from a moral standpoint, people do give enough to take of others at least in their own country. 

But does this mean that we do not have a moral obligation to give more to others around the world who need it? Many third world countries face resource shortages around the clock, and could stand to gain from more donations. 


So we are at the conclusions that:

1. suffering from lack of resources is bad

2. our morallity is not limited to fellow countrymen

3. Others around the world are suffering from lack of resources

This leads me to think that we should have a moral obligation to donate more "when possible". Donating more to charity is a good thing when it does not cause more or equal suffering than it alleviates. This would mean that a poor person has no moral obligation to give to charity if he or she does not have the funds to first care for themselves and their family. Stopping here then it would definitely seem that most people have a moral obligation to donate more than they do, at least if they wish to consider themselves a morally sound individual.

So yes TC I do think most people, including myself, should give more to charity.



1.You are ignoring the matter of how the things we "need" are even produced. Need does not give someone a claim on something - production does. If one does not have a claim on an item, then the owner of that item has no obligation to give to the person in question.

2.If you grow and maintain apple trees then those are your apples, because you made them. You have no obligation to give them away freely, as such an obligation would require you to provide for an anonymous stranger at your expense, placing his welfare before your own. To be obligated to serve anyone in need requires your life to be, by default, subservient to anyone who is in need, because he is in need. It requires that his welfare supersede your own and that you therefore serve him, because you make life possible and he does not.

3.The notion that the life of an incompetent man supersedes the lives of others because they create value and he does not, is contradictory and can only result in destruction (or the negation of production) if implemented.

1. I agree that a person has a right to what they produce and acquire by their own hand. 

2. I specifically mentioned that a person should have a moral obligation to donate more when said donation does not cause equal or more suffering in the process. In your example, is the person producing far more apples than he needs? If so, I would argue that he should feel a moral obliagtion to donate those to others who are in need. Their welfare does not supercede the person who has produced the apples, but if the person has an excess of apples they are not endangering their own welfare in any way by donating more. Now if the person had only enough apples for himself, he would of course have no moral obligation of any kind. Someone like myself, who has more than they need but quite a bit, should have some kind of moral responsibility to help others out if at all possible. 

3. Im assuming by an incompetent man you mean someone who refuses to look for a job? or refuses to do the work needed to provide for themselves? Lack of resources such as food in places like Africa have little to do with competence. In most cases, people are born their and shortage already exists by no fault of their own. 

So I agree that just because a person is in need, that does not mean that they inherently own something that someone else has produced because the producer does not need it. I do think though, that the producer should feel a moral obligation to donate more, when doing so does not endanger their own livelihood. Of course they may keep all the apples to themselves, but is that really the morally correct thing to do?

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#2 Bane_09
Member since 2010 • 3394 Posts



Anyone ever notice how much redundant information there is in any given thread?



If anything it shows the consensus against this ridiculous notion of mandatory "charity".

And that no one reads other peoples comments :P but yes TC did not seem to understand that would simply be a tax

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#3 Bane_09
Member since 2010 • 3394 Posts


Anyone ever notice how much redundant information there is in any given thread?


Nope, no one else noticed. You are the only one.  You are special

Thank you, i feel specials

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#4 Bane_09
Member since 2010 • 3394 Posts


why are there people that use Bing? that number is too high!


I use it, there's nothing really wrong with it besides the stigma attached to it.

Oh man you never admit to using bing. NEVER!

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#5 Bane_09
Member since 2010 • 3394 Posts

list is bunk without porn. surrealnumber5

Yup, you can't seperate porn form the internet

The Internet is porn, porn is the internet

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#6 Bane_09
Member since 2010 • 3394 Posts

Um how exactly is it charity if it is required. Charity by it's very nature is a gift. It no longer becomes charity but taxation and we already do that. ferrari2001

It's called taxes...chessmaster1989

As others have said, charity implies something not being mandatory. Even if it were, I'd imagine there would be ways around it for the rich peopleRing_of_fire

..then that wouldnt be considered charity.


If it was mandatory, it wouldn't be called charity, it'd be called taxes.


Mandatory charity is called tax.


It isn't charity if it's forced.


It wouldn't be called charity if it is forced. AbstractRadical It wouldn't be charity at that point...


Anyone ever notice how much redundant information there is in any given thread?

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#7 Bane_09
Member since 2010 • 3394 Posts

Instead of giving you the half assed answer of "LOL TC thats not charity" I will try to engage with you because while I do not think people should be forced to give more, it is a moral issue that deserves a closer look. The issue then is that many people have more than they need, and many people cannot meet their needs.

I will assume the basis of your argument is "People should give more to charity" and that the reason is to "alleviate suffering". You specifically mention greed but I take it your stance is greed is bad because it prevents money and resources from going to those who truly need it.


So we start with the basis that "suffering from lack of food and other needed to survive resources is bad" (I assume these are the kind of charities you speak of TC?) You were very vague.

I also think you would agree TC and that most others on here would too that "One person's suffering from lack of resources is not greater than another person's suffering from lack of resources". This assumes that two people suffering in equal amounts, are both equally deserving of help. So someone needing food in the US is no more important than someone needing food in India. 

In the past with limited technology, it was not possible to give someone across the world moral consideration but with todays technology it is very easy. Also in the modern setting we have a very robust welfare system that provides for the needs of the people in our own country(It's efficiency can certainly be questioned but that is for another conversation) So I would say that from a moral standpoint, people do give enough to take of others at least in their own country. 

But does this mean that we do not have a moral obligation to give more to others around the world who need it? Many third world countries face resource shortages around the clock, and could stand to gain from more donations. 


So we are at the conclusions that:

1. suffering from lack of resources is bad

2. our morallity is not limited to fellow countrymen

3. Others around the world are suffering from lack of resources

This leads me to think that we should have a moral obligation to donate more "when possible". Donating more to charity is a good thing when it does not cause more or equal suffering than it alleviates. This would mean that a poor person has no moral obligation to give to charity if he or she does not have the funds to first care for themselves and their family. Stopping here then it would definitely seem that most people have a moral obligation to donate more than they do, at least if they wish to consider themselves a morally sound individual.

So yes TC I do think most people, including myself, should give more to charity.


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#8 Bane_09
Member since 2010 • 3394 Posts


Sometimes I fell like I am, or mentally unstabble. How can I know that without going to a shrink.


you're prob on the same level as me, retarded but not so retarded that you dont know you're not retarded. unlike the really retarded people that are to retarded to know there retarded

Hmm you are neither retarded nor of average intelligence, doomed to be damned by both groups. Forever an outsider

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#9 Bane_09
Member since 2010 • 3394 Posts

Yes you can find out, take an IQ test

If you score below 70, you are mentally retarded.

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#10 Bane_09
Member since 2010 • 3394 Posts



Real people dieing in benghazi= fake scandal lmao


You do yourself and your cause absolutely no favors, you are one of the reasons why many of the people here are liberals.

On topic: After reading the politico article it sounds like you have no fvcking clue what you are talking about. 

Me right. Its all my fault. Tell me how real people dieing was a fake scandal? I dont even consider it THAT big a deal, but what bothered me was the completely obvious lieing the week after that it was "spontaneous" demonstrations or whatever. Why couldnt they just admit it was a terror attack sooner? Or not admit ANYTHING, till they had all the facts, but they were telling everyone the next day it wasnt a terror attack the next day

This has nothing to do with your topic first of all

I never said real people dying was a fake scandal, those were your words



"Why couldnt they just admit it was a terror attack sooner? Or not admit ANYTHING, till they had all the facts, but they were telling everyone the next day it wasnt a terror attack the next day" 

Something tells me you would be on a witch hunt no matter what they said. Benghazi wasn't anyone's fault, to try and somehow say it is Obama's fault because he did or did not call it a terrorist attack after it happened is insane. Whethere they lied or just didn't have all the facts, I have no idea so I am not going to start assuming I do know