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#1 Aries3-Courage
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

Basically you are saying that Bungie is not a Great Developer because they need more then one Great Game of note to garner such a title. Thomas Edison is known strictly for the light bulb to the general public as is Leonardo da Vinci and his Mona Lisa. They are still considered great for their work no matter how little one might argue that they have put out.

I would like to know: You do not consider Halo: CE a Great Game, but if you look back at your previous posts, you have clearly played the sequel. My question to you is how someone who has no appreciation for a Game goes out to purchase the sequel?

I have my own ideas on the subject, but I'll let you answer with whatever answer you can come up with. Just thought I'd point a couple things out since you clearly despise the Game;)


1. Yes, I'm saying that before Bungie can be considered amongst the truly"great developers" they need to come up with more than one game of note. Comparisons to Thomas Edison and Leonardo da Vinci are just a tad rediculous. (and by tad, I mean completely)

2. I would like to know how you wrongly assumed just because I played HALO2 that I purchased it? I got the original HALO free with the bundle, and my roomate rented the second, so thankfully, I didn't have to waste any money to play either of them.

You shoved my first argument aside by simply using a fancier word for "that's crazy talk!" Not exactly what I would consider a good response to defend any argument, but that's just me ;)

Secondly, people don't just play a Game, even if it was for free, unless they actually appreciated the Game itself. My friend has plenty of Games I could borrow off him for free, but that doesn't mean I'm going to play any lame game the guy goes out and buys.

I for one also do not consider Bungie among the Elite Developers just yet. I just saw an opening and put in a random reference to Thomas Edison and Leonardo da Vinci because I felt it worked:) I would probably save such titles for Developers like Bioware and Square Enix because I have seen more of what they can do.

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#2 Aries3-Courage
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

[QUOTE="VACASCULIADAS"]Halo 3 will deliver..Bungie are great developers..TheKungFool

I'm asking out of ignorance since I honestly don't know......aside from HALO, what are Bungie's say top 5 games they developed? I don't know enough about them as a company to list them as a "great developer" becasue I honestly don't know what other games they developed.

That doesn't really matter. They made Halo. Isn't that enough?

No, in my opinion having one breakout success followed by a lakcluster sequel and getting bought up is not enough to garner consideration as "a great developer". In my personal opinion "great developers" havedeveloped more than a single game series of note.

Now, if Bungie comes out with some form or original game series or another non-HALO related hit, then I might be able to consider them as a "great developer".

Basically you are saying that Bungie is not a Great Developer because they need more then one Great Game of note to garner such a title. Thomas Edison is known strictly for the light bulb to the general public as is Leonardo da Vinci and his Mona Lisa. They are still considered great for their work no matter how little one might argue that they have put out.

I would like to know: You do not consider Halo: CE a Great Game, but if you look back at your previous posts, you have clearly played the sequel. My question to you is how someone who has no appreciation for a Game goes out to purchase the sequel?

I have my own ideas on the subject, but I'll let you answer with whatever answer you can come up with. Just thought I'd point a couple things out since you clearly despise the Game;)

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#3 Aries3-Courage
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts
That one Hardware failure on Microsofts part is the main reason why I haven't made the jump to 360 yet, but I just can't resist Halo 3 :P Hopefully by then the problem will be fixed.
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#4 Aries3-Courage
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts
I chose Other because I treat Gamers as I myself would like to be treated, but sometimes you have to make exceptions for those "special" Gamers ;)
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#5 Aries3-Courage
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

I'm thinking of bigger games at the moment and COD4 isn't quite up there for me.

Games like Halo 3, Bioshock, Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, Eternal Sonata and Too Human will take precedence.

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#6 Aries3-Courage
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

Yeah MMOs can get very addictive, but I usually stay away from them. People start to spend too much time advancing their character and real life falls behind. MMOs can be nice if they didn't make you want to advance so much, so fast.

An MMO that takes a relaxed pace that you could pop in every few days or so for a few hours would be good enough. When it comes to the whole Marriage topic though, I think the guy should spend time with his Wife. His real Wife that is ;)

Although I'm not 100% sure if I would consider that Adultery :?

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#7 Aries3-Courage
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

I'm definately going to be playing this Game, even if it's not right away. I plan on getting Halo 3 first simply because that was the first Game I got for my Original Xbox.

This Game just looks like it has everything a Game needs. There's not one thing bad I hear coming from this Game and that's hard to pull off considering all the haters out there 8)