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error 37 > wii u

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Edited By A-Dub-1

ME3 ending > wii u

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over the past few years every big decision capcom has to make it seems to me they always make the wrong 1 after dmc 4 it was blatantly obvious that capcom would never be able 2 eclipse dmc 3 which was probably the best game in the hack & slash genre period but i think for the best interest of the series they should of ended it after 4 because when u get a game as brilliant as dmc 3 every other sequel that comes after it is going 2 be a failure in some way and to carry on releasing sequels that are inferior is only going to keep hurting the franchises & capcom seem to be doing this with most of their game series i like the new dmc i think ninja theory did a great job & i think if the game had a different name on the box it would have sold a lot more copies i think capcom giving the game to ninja theory was a sign of capcom giving up on the franchise to reboot the game was the last throw of the dice it was the only thing they could do to try and salvage the series because 2 out of 4 games were successful. i think now the only thing capcom can do to redeem themselves is to focus on new ip's dragons dogma was a very good game & if they can learn from the negatives of the game & take fan feedback into account the second game could have great potential, remember me also looks like a very interesting game i. for me capcom need to put past games in the past and focus on new things until they have a development team capable of making dmc/res games as great as they once were.

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wow peoples arguments and reasons for hating this game are so retarded when ever a game series or any kind of franchise is rebooted its because its hasn't lived up to expectation or shifted as many units as expected which is FACT!!! people compare DmC 2 the old games like they were the greatest games ever 2 & 4 flopped get over it haha people are complaining about the characters & story which were never supposed 2 be important in past games thats why there was 3 or 4 characters in each game!! the story was so basic, full of plot holes and clichéd every character (including dante with his cheesy 1 liners which was some of the worst dialogue i ever herd) was annoying except virgil cause he never used 2 say shit!!

the only thing dmc had going for it was the great combat system which was the best around people need to stop crying about the cosmetics of the game because the arguments are invalid

dante was never an original character his looks were modelled off cobra from space adventure cobra as was trish who looks exactly the same as the chic cobra used to run with!! his personality especially in dmc3 was like Michaelangelo from the fuckin ninja turtles haha dante is a duche in DmC the same way he always was so get over it and stop cryin over cosmetics only chicks cry over how the way a man should look haha

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i have complete faith in bioware but EA will probably destroy this franchise like they have 2 many other!!!

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Edited By A-Dub-1

does any one know were i can get an upgrade box i killed the smith in the undead parish an now im unable to upgrade my weapons past +5 im now in anor londo and the smith there cant upgrade my weapons further so this is my last hope before i consider starting the game over 40 hrs in!!!!!!

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