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#1 3picuri3
Member since 2006 • 9618 Posts

haven't been here in ages - could. not. resist.


a bit of me feels bad for rikusaki though. a very tiny bit. i told you so Riku.

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#2 3picuri3
Member since 2006 • 9618 Posts


slot drives are more prone to dust issues. this is fact. this is why PCs abandoned the idea years ago.

even if it does have a door that opens when a disk is inserted is still has a slot where dust can readily build up and be taken into the machine with a new disk. if anything i'd say a slot drive is going back in time with tech, not forward. slot drives are not 'new' with the PS3 - this **** has tried and failed many times before.

just because it's used on a console it DOES NOT mean it is new, necessary, or prudent ;).


But trays aren't airtight, so dust could still get in that way as well. I myself have the occasional problem with dusty optical drives, even though they're trays.

My main concern is if the drive fails. How do you extract a disc from a dead slot drive? At least most tray drives allow for using the ol' paperclip.

tray drives are at least closed the majority of the time. slot always have a small slit a few mm deep that can accumulate dust and the disk pushes it in when you insert it. it's definitely worse than tray for accumulating more internal dust. have you ever seen a PS3 that has been opened after a couple of years of use compared to a 360? it's insane :). i helped my friend do some PS3 maintenance a while back that involved a pretty thorough disassemble and it was insane how much dust was in the beast. you can mitigate it with a brush or flap inside the slot but it still pushes some dust inside each time you insert a new disk IF you don't leave disks in. If you do then you can mitigate some of the problem as each time a disk exits it pushes out any dust that has built up in the slot. either way - both have pros and cons ;) slot definitely looks sleeker, and is less prone to mechanical failure, but it does add to internal dust build-up over time depending on your usage habits.
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#3 3picuri3
Member since 2006 • 9618 Posts

it looks like trash and has helicopters :) likely why there is no thread. i love me some TM but this game needs TONS of time in the oven to even be ready to show people...

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#4 3picuri3
Member since 2006 • 9618 Posts

let's just hope the SP is better than 2 - and that multiplayer is a bit more interesting. I liked some of the playmodes but hate the stupid ******* about each team having stupid colored lights on them. at least include a hardcore mode for the non-noobs that don't care for x-mas light light-up easy mode multiplayer. my only request ;). aside from that the game was great.. SP was trash though......

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#5 3picuri3
Member since 2006 • 9618 Posts

slot drives are more prone to dust issues. this is fact. this is why PCs abandoned the idea years ago.

even if it does have a door that opens when a disk is inserted is still has a slot where dust can readily build up and be taken into the machine with a new disk. if anything i'd say a slot drive is going back in time with tech, not forward. slot drives are not 'new' with the PS3 - this **** has tried and failed many times before.

just because it's used on a console it DOES NOT mean it is new, necessary, or prudent ;).

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#6 3picuri3
Member since 2006 • 9618 Posts

i find it really amusing that anyone would vote for Uncharted 2. I guess that just means that many people haven't seen Crysis in motion ;).

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#7 3picuri3
Member since 2006 • 9618 Posts

i enjoyed the multi for 2 but i seriously wish they'd get rid of the ******* stupid blue and red lights.

the LAST thing any soldier would put on their gear is something that lights up. i understand it is a game mechanice to make the game more accessible for noobs but i find it really irritating. it's like playing BC2 in non-hardcore modes where everyone has a red arrow above their head like a christmas light when spotted....

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#8 3picuri3
Member since 2006 • 9618 Posts

What I find annoying is the fact that Republicans have claimed the Tea Bag Movement as if it's their party's own movement, when in fact it represents a movement of great historical significance to all Americans, no matter what party.


it was absolutely created by the republican party and its consituents / media backers... don't fool yourself into thinking this is a genuine grassroots movement with some significance... if you are interested in something like that, by all means initiate it, but please don't be fooled into thinking the 'tea party' movement in america right now is anything other than a manufactured attack with the aim of influencing the next election and stirring unrest.. .please tell me you people, at least some, are above this :( the evidence against is being grassroots is unrefutable.... it may appear to be a cause you wish to support due to frustration but always question everything, a wolf in sheeps clothing is still a wolf (to use an old cliche).

and BR, i truly hope you find real peace one day.

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#9 3picuri3
Member since 2006 • 9618 Posts

Mainstream America agrees with the Tea Party movement on the issues rather than with the current regime.

"On major issues, 48% of voters say that the average Tea Party member is closer to their views than President Barack Obama. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 44% hold the opposite view and believe the president's views are closer to their own.

Not surprisingly, Republicans overwhelmingly feel closer to the Tea Party and most Democrats say that their views are more like Obama's. Among voters not affiliated with either major political party, 50% say they're closer to the Tea Party while 38% side with the President."

..."Sixty-three percent (63%) of Mainstream Americans say their views are closer to the Tea Party.

Last week, Rasmussen Reports released data showing that 47% of voters felt closer to the views of Tea Party members than to Congress. Only 26% felt closer to Congress."



the problem with 'mainstream' and 'the tea party movement' is that they are generally ill informed and ignorant of the issues and bills / legislation they oppose based on misinformation from news networks and radio. it is hardly a shock at all that the 'mainstream' agrees more than the 'politically informed' that the tea party has a better understanding of the issues because their understanding of the issues is distorted and false. kudos on misrepresenting the poll br. please read it everyone else so you can understand how br has learned to misrepresent just like the tea party does ;) and do some googling on the tea party groups getting owned when questioned on a purely factual basis at rallies... fun stuff.

'As you would expect, there is a wide divide between thePolitical and Mainstream Americans on these questions. Seventy-five percent (75%) of those in the Political ****say that members of Congress are better informed on the issues. Among Mainstream Americans, 68% have the opposite view, and only 16% believe Congress is better informed.

By a 62% to 12% margin, Mainstream Americans say the Tea Party is closer to their views. By a 90% to one percent (1%) margin, the Political ****feels closer to Congress.'

remember people, we're talking about people that support government, and those that want to rule themselves. this poll says nothing other than what you would expect... and other polls and surveys suggest that the vast majority of tea party supporters are 'confused and misinformed' about the issues they rally against. it is truly ridiculous and absurd.. one can only wonder how long they can continue without truly sitting down and looking at what they're doing, or heaven forbid - thinkin about it relative to reality. but my guess is their plan is to carry this false momentum into the next election...