Not for everybody. If you don't like brain-teasers or are sensitive about voice-acting, you probably won't like this.

User Rating: 6 | Professor Layton and the Curious Village DS
I rented this game, lured by its charming visual style, and having just completed and loved a puzzle-adventure on the DS (Trace Memory). I won't say that Professor Layton is a bad game, but it turned me off and I sent it back pretty quickly.

Firstly, file under "I should have known better," it made me recall the fact that I don't like "brain-teaser" puzzles of this kind. As a child I was labeled gifted/talented so teachers and others kept throwing these things at me as if I was supposed to be good at them and like them, and I never was and never ever did, so Professor Layton quickly induced the same old frustration.

Also, because I grew up in an era when video games did not talk, I am very sensitive about voice-acting; if it doesn't sound good or flow well with game play, it grates on me, and in this game, did it ever! I could have stuck it out with the puzzles longer if I didn't have to listen to Luke half the time, and while the Professor's voice is a pleasant one, the game talking to me every attempt at a puzzle still got old fast.

As you can see, these issues are peculiar to me---but they go to show that this game isn't something everyone will like. If you know you enjoy brain-teaser puzzles, go for it, but if you're not sure you do, I suggest renting first to make sure this is your thing.