PES 2008 is a good game and it is the best choice in what comes to PC football games...

User Rating: 7.5 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 PC
PES 2008 is a good game. Unfortunately this years version is a little worse than last years, not in all fields of course. In what comes to graphics, this game looks very good but as with almost every part of the game, it as glitches. For example, sometimes when players collide, they get trough each other like we have all seen in other games when players get trough walls and other things...
The gameplay in this game is the best part of it, IT IS FUN, i have a great time playing this game but even here, there are flaws. Let´s use the example of goalkeepers, they now act more realistically and they have brand new animations too, but sometimes the new ball´s physics (supposedly the ball now acts its own way to exterior circumstances) make some plays just idiotic... i´ve seen goalkeepers defending a penalty and most of the times when a player shoots the ball close to the ground, even if the goalkeeper jumps toward the ball, it hits his legs or stomach and... GOOOOAAALLLL... Which is really strange to see; not to mention more examples.... Konami said that PES now have a feature called "team vision" which make the players opponents more intelligent and capable of previewing our plays.... This indeed exists, but i think that it is not that good, because even in the harder difficulty level, in a 15 minute game, the player can have a score of 9-1 against for example "TURKEY", but against "ENGLAND" in the first 10 minutes of the in-game time a player can be losing 3-0, playing the same hard way as they did before. But this is of course subjective, but sometimes it can bother the player !
Another thing to mention is the lack of licences in this game, FIFA as 10 times more than PES.
The sound in this game is "normal" as in other PES games, although the tracks are more pop oriented....
But still, PES 2008 is the best football experience a person can have in a PC !!! At least until FIFA makes the step to the next generation in PC gaming, let´s just hope the next instalment in the series is a big jump from what we have seen here, otherwise PES is going to loose lots of fans....