Highly praised control system backfires

User Rating: 6 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 WII
The game's controls don't work as hoped. There is an obvious flaw that you have to dribble by holding down A. You cannot change the control scheme which is odd as you can even do it in other Pro Evo games. You can't even play with a Gamecube controller!
The graphics are terrible and it does not feel like you are playing football. Each player could of been the same for all i know!
Practice makes perfect, but when playing a videogame i feel i want to just have fun, not set myself a personal goal. Getting to stage where this game would be fun is certainly an achievement but it is not the kind of one i would want. If i was going to put that much effort into a videogame about football insted i would just play real football.
All i can say is that the game is a complete and utter letdown and is a failed attempt at a new control scheme.