A visual masterpiece that integrates the Zoroastrian mythology into every element seamlessly and creates a stunning game

User Rating: 10 | Prince of Persia X360

This review is by no means an objective analysis of the games inherent quality, or a representation of anything other than the reviewer's personal experiences with the game. Any recommendations given out are based merely on the preferences of the writer and are by no means a guide for the reader to warrant purchases. Any reader should take this review with a grain of salt and if they are unsure as to whether the game will please them, to try it out before buying, as we all have our own personal preferences.


This is one of those games that will long stand the test of time and always remain a visually stunning and pleasing venture into a surreal world. People often complain about the lack of difficulty in the game, but looking at this game from the perspective of an adventure, and not as a "game" creates a sense of awe that is highly unmatched in the history of gaming. There are few games that I have played that have been as emotionally moving (both from visual and contextual beauty) as this one.



A very simple game. There are two major elements: platforming and sword fighting. The platforming is integrated into every part of the world, and requires specific combinations of buttons and moderately good reaction time. It isn't "challenging" but it is extremely satisfying and very fun to see the Prince and Elika running around on walls and ceilings. The combat is very simplistic, there are four major attacks, and other than the bosses, the combat feels tacked on. It feels more like a hurdle to jump over than a challenge to beat. However, the bosses are each very unique in terms of their attacks and techniques required to beat them, and despite being repetitive, are very satisfying to beat, because they are always chastising you while fighting.

The common complaint about the gameplay is that it is "too easy" because you "can't die." I for one don't have a problem with this. To me, "dying" just adds an unneeded barrier to immersion, as well as taking up time. It would upset the flow of the game, which is very fast-paced, and a black "game over" screen would just ruin the immersion. I can see how people can say it "isn't challenging" but I generally don't play games like these for the challenge, but the experience of the world, characters and story. Which this game provides in spades.


The soundtrack is outstanding. Fully orchestrated and very "Middle-Eastern" in its styIe, and adds even more depth to the world and makes the serene vistas of the "healed" areas that much more beautiful. The sound effects fill the spots one feels like they should. Overall, the sound design for the game is fantastic.

Technical Design/Graphics

This game runs fluidly and technically, the graphics looks astounding in HD. However, what really makes the graphics shine is the outstanding art design.

Art Design

This is pretty much the essence of this games greatness. Every aspect of the game; music, graphics, characters, level design and story, are based on Zoroastrianism, an ancient religious tradition that goes back to about 700 BCE. Its seamless integration into every aspect of this game is what makes this game extremely unique. Unfortunately, a lot of people will miss out on this beautiful expression of religious symbolism because very few people have even heard about Zoroastrianism, let alone have read anything about it. In order to truly understand this games beauty, one needs to learn about Zoroastrianism.


The story is nothing special if you know nothing about Zoroastrianism, but embodies the religion's themes and symbols perfectly, and revolves around that. Also, the ending of the game carries an extremely moving message that is rooted in the ultimate goal of religious practice in the tradition.

The banter between the Prince and Elika is a lot of fun to listen to, and reveals a ton about their personalities. Another great point of this game is that you get really attached to the two of them over the course of the game, and at the end begin to feel for their plights.


Despite many people getting bored before finishing, this game does offer a lot of varied platforming areas and an enjoyable package. It may not be what everyone is looking for in a game, but for any price it should at least be experienced, because it is one of the few games from this generation that will stand the test of time and turn into one of those "cIassics" that eveyone talks about now.


The difficulty is hard to define here. "Dying" isn't technically possible, but every time Elika saves you, in another game, you would "die." There is also an achievement for beating the game without letting Elika save you more than 100 times, which is very difficult to achieve. The game isn't "hard" and it isn't "easy." It provides a very smooth and immersive experience that doesn't focus on "challenging" the player to "beat" something, but experience an adventure in a surreal world.



I tend to call this game the "Shadow of the Colossus" of the current generation. Its artistic presentation and "gameplay" experience is very much the same. The game focuses more on subtle themes and imagery than it does "playing a game." Many people may not enjoy that, but I think this is a very unique experience that assuredly defines "games as art." A surreal experience that shows how two characters can grow closer over the course of a game and how being in the wrong place at the wrong time, can turn out very well.

Verdict: 10/10

Note on score: The way I score games does not in any way reflect its content or quality. This score is merely a quantification of how much I enjoyed playing the game, and how "good" of a game it is to me. As the reader, you may disagree entirely, but this is how I felt about the game, and not how I think others *should* feel about it. Go and try it for yourself before you decide whether or not its worth your time and money. I am merely writing this review for my own benefit. If you get something from it, that's great.