Test your mind PQ

User Rating: 7 | PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient PSP
PQ Practical Intelligence Quotient is a great game, it really challenges your mind in many ways. It's a revolutionary brain teaser that actually measures your intellingence. It's a puzzle game that will challenge you with 100 fun 3D PQ tests and your performace will determine your actual Practical Intellingence Quotient. You suppose to play and then post your scores to the Global PQ Website to see how smart you really are. So far I just in stage 5, I bought this game lastnight and so far it's pretty good. I got this game for a pretty good price for only $20 New, so the price it's really good for the game. Hopefully my brain will work out all this puzzle and I can actually really see how good my brain works. If you are in to puzlle games this is a must have, challenge your mind oving walls, going into laberinth, blocking lasers to meet your goal.