A wild adventure packed with many surprises.

User Rating: 9 | Potatoman Seeks The Troof PC

You have one clear goal; seek the troof. You will go to the ends of the earth if you must. The need to find the troof is so prevalent that you won't let anything get in your way. Don't let the others discourage you on your journey. They are blinded in ignorance and feel threaten by your ambitious inquiry. By going against the flow you put your life on the line. The world is out to get you and it will throw everything it has at you to slow you down.

Potatoman Seeks the Troof is as much an experience as it is a game. You take on the role of the potatoman on his way to enlightenment. In an adventure like no other you'll travel through the desert, jungle, city, and beyond. Everyone along the way will tell you your wasting your time. They may even throw stuff at you or try to run you over but you will persist. Many obstacles lay in your way and you'll have to jump over or dodge them if you wish to proceed. You are bound to be stuck down a couple times but the set backs are small and you'll learn how to navigate very quickly.

The music throughout this experience is wonderful. The catchy 16-bit inspired tunes will cheer you on as you progress. Each stage has a unique fun track that are all themed wonderfully to the contents of the level. The sound-effects are simple and effective fitting in perfectly with the rest of the game.

This is a grand journey but I will note that its not particularly long. However, its well worth the very reasonable price of admission. The variety in this adventure is incredible and the story is absurdly amusing. You are constantly excited to see what crazy thing will happen next. Its impossible to predict all the wild things that this game will throw at you. This game will keep you guessing until the very end. There a very satisfying feeling to completing this trek and I hope you get the chance to experience it for yourself.