The third generation of Pokemon games continue to meet expectations set on them, especially Pokemon Emerald.

User Rating: 8 | Pocket Monsters Emerald GBA
The game starts out like in the previous games. You start out as a boy or girl who wishes to become the champion of the Elite Four in the land of Hoenn, while going out collecting as many Pokemon as you can. Your father already being a celebrated Pokemon Master, you feel a need to shine above and beyond. You need to collect eight badges to even challenge the Elite Four so the adventure is on as you travel to different parts of Hoenn looking for the badges.

You'll start out in your small town and be given your first Pokemon by Professor Birch. You'll go out and fight different trainers and catching new and different Pokemon. You'll also get involved with a bad group called Team Aqua and Magma and their evil goals. Along with all this, there are various other side missions and plots that you can do to entertain yourself. Along with this, you'll also be looking for all the new Pokemon from Hoenn.

The battle system in Pokemon Emerald has changed with the addition of two-on-two battles. This makes battling different than before, but still doesn't really change the combat in any way. The game still revolves around the story of the game, battle system and collective portion of the game. The third generation doesn't really seem to add any big improvements other than small stuff like berry growing and Pokemon contests.

The game still focuses on the fact of type advantage. Certain types are stronger, weaker and neutral to each other. These things allow you to try to put some strategy into how you battle. Something new that Emerald lets you do is the ability to make your own fort. These forts contain furniture that you can purchase or earn by doing certain actions or completing certain events.

The new additions like the Pokemon Contests and the Battle Tower are great additions that actually make the game difficult towards the very end. The Pokemon Contests don't really give you any extra reward other than a ribbon or a few prizes here and there but nothing to really make you want to finish them unless you are one of those gamers that has to beat every single thing.

You can still only hold six Pokemon but the adding of double battles switches it up a bit. The multiplayer on this game is the same as the ones before if not slightly better, but not enough to fuzz about. On top of that, Emerald doesn't really improve upon Ruby and Sapphire much, with just a couple of things here and there. The graphics seem on par with Ruby and Sapphire and the sounds and melodies are still great to hear. The lack of improvements and great score, just goes to show how much of a winning formula Pokemon is with or without enough improvements.

Pokemon Emerald is a very successful game. Despite not improving much, the pure greatness of the Pokemon formula is enough to give this game a great score. This game is still a great game with improved looks and technicalities over the 2nd generation although lacking in the in-game improvements. Still, Pokemon Emerald is a great game that most if not all gamers can appreciate and enjoy. You are sure to enjoy this game.