Decent? Overplayed? Potentially brain draining? Pokemon-esque? Yes.

User Rating: 9 | Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Sora no Tankentai DS
First let me say that I'm a big fan of the 'Pokemon' series.

That being said, this game is nearly identical to the first 2 in the series.

You get some extras, like the Shaymin Village and the playable extra episodes, but is it worth dishing out the extra $35?

Meh. The extras are nice, but the repetitive gameplay doesn't get any less repetitive or (lets face it) boring at times. When you are 75 floors into a 100 floor dungeon, things can get boring.

Of course on the flip side, when you are 75 floors into a 100 floor dungeon and hit a one room floor monster house... Thats just a little to exciting for my liking.

I suppose in the end its up to you and your love of repetitive, sometimes boring, other times exasperating, awesome-beans-I'm-a-freakin'-POKEMON games to make the call whether to fork out the $35.

P.S. I totally did.