Surprisingly good - not ashamed to say I really enjoyed this one.

User Rating: 8.5 | Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Yami no Tankentai DS
It has been a long, long time since I've really had the time to sit down and play a video game - so in that sense I guess my review shouldn't be taken too seriously. Although my opinion is honest, it isn't like "game-critic" wise. Anyway, I'm going to start off by saying that Pokemon Mystery Dungeons is probably one of, if not THE best Pokemon game I've played to date. I think it's quite unique and the game play is interesting enough. The best thing about the game that got it it's 8.5/10 stars is the storyline. This is the first time ever that I've experienced heartfelt, almost tear-jerking emotional reaction from a Pokemon game. I'm not going to go into details but some of the stuff in the game is just really, really emotional and even for a teenage guy causes some pretty iffy stuff.

One of the things I didn't like so much about the game was it's dungeons. They were very... not pretty. I guess the graphics weren't good. Also, the missions were VERY repetitive. I think almost every review has stated that at least once. They were bland and generic, and although that didn't take away too much from the actual game maybe if a little more detail was added it would've increased quite a few people's interest. The repetition got out of hand at some points but was completely overwhelming, because the game actually wasn't that long if you don't add the post-credit storyline.

Overall I would recommend this for a lot of people - people who enjoy Pokemon, great stories, and people who are just looking for a game to sit down and spend some time on while having fun without much difficulty.