Unless you're prepared to spend your entire gaming experience leveling up, don't even bother with this "game."

User Rating: 1 | Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Sora no Tankentai DS
I'm no stranger to the Pokemon franchise, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky brings a few of the gameplay factors that drew me into liking the cute little critters into a territory I'm completely unfamiliar with. A few, mind you; the only things that are really the same between Explorers of Sky and Pokemon Platinum are a leveling system, catching a bunch of Pokemon, using items and learning moves. Beyond that, Explorers of Sky takes a different road by exploring the mystery dungeon idea that failed miserably a few years back. Not only that, but true to Nintendo's ability to take a bad game that few people liked and make it worse, Explorers of Sky is simply a remake of Explorers of Time/Darkness with a few shiny, unimpressive additions. Sure, the addition of being able to trade in items I don't want for the junk I do want is OK, but also adding the new move, Bug Bite, and teaching it to every little critter that tries to crawl up my pants only makes the game more frustrating. Not only can you trade those worthless Escape Orbs for the invaluable Reviver Seeds, you can also have said seeds eaten by the little bug crawling up your leg every time you go into a dungeon.
If there is one good thing to say about Explorers of Sky, its that it certainly brings up a challenge. Unless you sit at one spot in the game for about thirty years, give or take, you'll find yourself being knocked out every time you turn around because the game decided to put you in a room full of enemies that your character has a hard time dealing with. Add in the annoying factor of having those Reviver Seeds you spent so much time getting being eaten right before this moment, and your all set for a difficult challenge that only true, hardcore gamers, or complete morons, go out of their way to find.
So, to end this review that will probably get me shot more times than I can count, if you must spend your money on this game, do something fun with it rather than play it. Use it for target practice, or give it to that one little cousin who won't shut up about Pokemon, or use it for target practice.