Pokemon GO will Augment the F* out of your reality

User Rating: 9 | Pokemon GO IOS

Pokemon GO will Augment the F*** out of your reality in more way then one.

While it certainly has its ups it sure has its downs, expect to have all sorts of problems when you run out of balls, be plagued by a *try again later* error as you frantically spin a poke stop craving more items, until you desperately pay some real life money for more balls, which you'll probably most likely waste before they come to good use.

While amazing, this game will drain your battery immensely, and cause you to spend more time on your handheld device than ever before (not to mention probably causing you to eventually cave in and purchase a third party device recharging device so you can keep charge while out on the GO), resulting in more wear and tear and damage to your everyday PHONE something which is meant to be not a full on gaming console unlike the Nintendo 3DS *cough*

Just get on the GO. wtf do you have to lose except your dignity it public?