Probably The best game of the year, if not the best for the DS

User Rating: 10 | Pocket Monsters Diamond DS
What can i say, well the Game Play flawless in my opinion. The New Soundtrack is fantastic, i think its better than the last music for that game. Battling is made so much easier with the stylus. The pokemon look great and all the things you can do with them is even better. There is just way to much i can say to go to deep into it. But lets talk about the Wifi aspect of the game. Well first off as always the F-Codes are a little Eh at first but once you get in to them there great. The new and greatest addition to the game really is the voice chat, you can talk while chilling in a chat room then you can battle your friend and talk to them as you battle, when you close your DS you can hear people, but it puts you on mute so they cant hear you. And then the battle System is still great. In short, I LOVE THIS GAME. Totally worth the wait as well the Hype.