Repeatative, yeah. Good? Not quite.

User Rating: 6 | Pokemon Battle Revolution WII
Pokemon Battle Revolution is a mile off being a revolution, apparently you can improve the graphics, add some new Pokemon and then WALLAH! It's a 'Revolution'. It's very repeatative, and slow, I mean, it is made for li'l kids. The graphics are pretty good for a Wii game but it seems that is the only thing that prevented this game from being mediocre for me. The Pokemon are interesting, but I never was into Pokemon. But I really think they ought to get some good names, I mean, Lickatung? WTF were they thinking? I seriously dont know where this review is going, so how about some rambling? The only Pokemon I found amusing was Monferno but I was pretty bored with him after five Fire Punches which magically do damage when no contact is even made! All the other ones got boring too. I leave you now with this: Serendipity.