It feels good to see your pokemon in 3D, but unless you own a good team in D/P, your pretty much screwed. Kindda crappy.

User Rating: 7 | Pokemon Battle Revolution WII
It's the same pokemon games, but with no story line at all. If you like battling people unendingly, then this game is for you. The graphics are terrible, and looks more like a Gamecube game. The announcer repeats himself every ten seconds, and only has about five different sayingd throughout the entire game. The replay value is extreamly low, and there is nothing worth playing for after you beat the last stadium. If you dont have a good team in the DS games, then dont buy this at all. You have to use rental passes with lame pokemon with moves that a level 5 pokemon would know. (ex-why is my Shinx at level 50 and still knows tackle and growl?) This game is the second worst in the series (yes Dash, your at the top) Its a lame game all together, and the first twenty minutes of it is teaching players how to point a Wiimote at the flippin tv screen. Thanks, I didn't know before. The only reason this game is worth playing is to see your pokemon in 3D and see their moves come to life. You can use Wi-fi connection to battle anyone playing (rarely anyone) but if it takes forever to read and imput your commands. It's just not worth the price to buy such an empty boring game.