Pocket Bomberman is pretty good and very entertaining.

User Rating: 8 | Pocket Bomberman GBC
The Gameboy's old and probably forgotten in the next decade, but while you still have a GBC, then Pocket Bomberman is pretty good and very entertaining. You play as Bomberman, who have to fight his way to the top of a huge mountain with different environments and the levels becomes more challenging, the higher you get. Bombermans special abiliity is to drop bombs to kill his foes. You can also collect powerups, which make you capable of deciding when your bomb should explode, run faster, jump higher and much more. But you can get killed by your own bombs.
When you've come to the end of a level, you'll have to fight as boss. These boss fights usually has varied powers, but sometimes they're awfully predictable. The graphics is standard GBC graphics, you can't like them or hate them. The game has some good music and sound effects. When in boss fights - the music changes, to a more intense tone - very good.

Overall replay value: You can play this game for one or two times, put it away for some time, then play again. The game can keep you busy for a couple of hours or less, but it's definitely a good time waster - an entertaining time waster!

If you have a Gameboy Color i definitely recommend that you get Pocket Bomberman, cause it's one of the best games ever.