User Rating: 5.5 | Pirates of the Caribbean PC
As many other Sea Dog fans I had big expected this game PotC to be a sequel to Sea Dogs. Well it turned out to suck. I was very diappointed when I learned that this game was to follow the story of the movie which in my opinion was a poor movie. Anyway early statements promised 6 campaigns , and you could choose between a male and female captain and some form for multi player stuff. To my big disappointment they skipped this and made a whole new story. :( They promised the same game as Sea Dogs but an enhanced version with new features. So I bought the game and eagerly installed it and started to play. The 1st thing I noticed was that you couldn't choose the gender.. and as the game went on.. I'm ignoring the bugs I discovered that it was only 1 campaign. I sendt a mail to Betsheda asking why they had done these changes and to my amazement they replied. They said that the features which I mentioned above was never discussed and never meant to be included in the game. I answered but in the early stage in the game development they had several screen shoots which aren't available anymore showed several things that isn't in the game. I got a reply on that too. They managed to state that I was wrong and there's was no place on the web which could have given me this kinda information. They lost my faith when they managed to break their promises. Hopefully there'll be some mods restoring my faith. The game has a great potential, but it's not used. Only based on a stupid movie which i even didn't like. If I'd know all this before I bought the game, I'd never bought it and now I can't refund it. :( disgruntled buyer