Pictochat is a great idea thats built in the DS, But is it realy usefull?

User Rating: 5.8 | PictoChat DS
GOOD- Text to friends; draw to friends; play games with friends; have fun with frends; free & built in

BAD- No wifi; quite pointless if your friend is next to you

In Pictochat you can do what ever you like with it, just like a piece of paper but you can clean it up!, the onyl probblem is that the chat progress is pretty pointless when all you can do is tell each other insted of texting each other, think, Walky-talky when your handcuffed together!, but you can have fun paper games like hangman and O&X so you can have fun, you cant have Wifi which would've been alot better if you can text to people in other countries

Well, it depends on your skill level, if your rubbish at drawing then 1/10, but if your an Artist like me :P, then you'll give it a 10/10 :p, yeh im awesome, anyways!, other than that theres no decent graphics or any decent fonts and no coulers

SOUND- There is'nt any sound....neff said