Take that!

User Rating: 9 | Gyakuten Saiban 3 (Best Price!) DS
The title is so suitable for the content of the game, in more ways than one. The first case puts you in the shoes of Mia Fey, giving some insight to the background of Phoenix's mentor, which in whole has much importance to the greater of the game. This is another tutorial case, and by now us oldbies expect it, while it still gives tips to the new comers to the series. The case is somewhat longer than the other tutorial cases and is a great start to the five case long game.

Surprisingly we move from murder for a moment to theft during one of the cases, trying to prove the client innocent, however the case soon evolves into a murder case per usual, still the first half was refreshing from the usual 'who dun it'. Just a little more exploring into other territories and I think Capcom can come up with different base criteria to a case and pull off a good one. If not, it'd make a nice tutorial case.

In the other games, we see that each case stands well on it's own, with little relation, if any, to the other cases within the game, while three main cases in this game have a lot to do with another, demanding that the player keep in mind important details to further their progress and understanding of the why and how about things. It's not nesisarily a bad thing, it actually adds to the story as a whole, but it makes the other cases feel like foder to make the game longer, still, the main storyline case is strong and has many twists to it that entangles every character in some form.

The Psyche-Lock system has been carried over and is still as annoying/rewarding as ever, seems like there's more to figure out this round and there are more hints to when it'd be suitable to break them. Besides that, there's really no added features or aspects which is quite the disappointment. Still, I must say even for this short coming, being able to play Mia and Edgeworth in game is fun and entertaining. Reading their character specific reactions and opinions are often humorous and a refreshing point of view.

We're introduced to another Prosecutor by the name of Godot, it's pretty much blaringly obvious who he is in one of Mia's cases, but I won't say. He's not as objectionable as the previous P.A.'s we've seen before, which is somewhat of a relief, however when he does have an objection, you're in trouble. Still, he's a worthy opponent and has a fun coffee addiction that he can't help but throw across the court room in Phoenix's direction. (Best sprite ever)

So kicking it to the masses,

Concept is the same as always, and hey, it works, but could do with some spiffed up features to complement it.

Graphics: For the returning cast, there are barely if any for some, new sprites, this was a bit of a disappointment, but didn't bother me to much. There are new locations and some familiar that have been visited in many times before. The courtroom is beginning to look duller and duller.

Sound: Seems they changed up some of the music and gave Phoenix a ring tone for his cell. It's nice but since it feels similar to the previous games it doesn't really stick out.

Playability: Smooth control flow as ever.

Entertainment: The story wraps together nicely, but there are points which I feel there are plot holes in. The cases are well thought out and take unexpected turns most as usual, however, these unexpected turns for old comers are what we expect now. Usually the murderer is right in the courtroom for the most part. They use some of their old tricks from previous games, which beg for a little variety in figuring things out.

Replay: There's no alternative ending this time around, which is sad, but maybe they were so embarrassed by their last round screw up that they did away with it. Either way, the game is fun enough to play through once, and maybe a replay through some of the select cases that had to do with the last one just to get the story better, but other than that, barrow this one too.

All and all: The third and last game going by the name of Phoenix Wright wrapped up pretty nicely, had it'd drama, had it's laughs; I felt involved with this game as I do when I'm reading a story; I felt sorry for the villains and justification in breaking the law, just a little. It'll be hard to say good bye to my favorite pointy haired Defense Lawyer, and his quirky cute sidekicks Maya and Pearl; still, I'm sure we'll see them all in upcoming games. So this is not really the end, it's just leading up to, Apollo Justice.
