Twenty One Years Later & Sill Playable!

User Rating: 9.5 | Phantasy Star SMS
I'm currently replaying this game as part of the Sonic's Ultimate Genesis collection. I still have the original Master System cartridge with the retail box, manual, and Sega's pack-in advertising. As I recall, I shelled out nearly $100.00 for a game touted as a 4-meg marvel.

And a marvel it was but I digress.

The xbox 360 version plus the ability to upgrade the graphics has brought this 8 bit game back to life. Sure the grahics are crude when compared to modern RPGs. Cut scenes are better described as "still" scenes. Never mind you'll turn the sound down. None of those things matter. The game play is as immersive today as it was twenty one summers ago. And that is what makes the game a classic.

The only drawback are the dreaded dungeons. I had to map them out on paper but even that can be considered as part of the game's charm. And today you can find the maps on-line if you're really stuck.

Phantasy Star was a very ambitious game. The story line took a female lead character and her party over three distinct planets culminating in the final boss fight.

I wholeheartedly recommend Phantasy Star to anyone interested in playing a retro RPG.