Undoubtedly one of; if not THE best Role Playing Game of ALL time.

User Rating: 10 | Phantasy Star SMS
I played this game when it first came out and I was truly amazed at it's depth considering it's 8meg era. The soundtrack was and still is hauntingly beautiful. It took me roughly 4 months to finish because it was a pre-cheat/guide era game. I was thoroughly engrossed by the story and it was the FIRST game to feature a female as the lead character. I recently played it again and was still amazed at how it pulled me into it's grasp again. My wife even played it and enjoyed it greatly. The story is based around the death of the lead character "Alis" brother. In an attempt to vindicate she and her soon found companions take a journey across the galaxy to find and eliminate the cause of not only Alis' brother but the decay of the world in total. I truly feel that anyone with a GBA or computer, (emulator) should play this game because it is one of those titles that is timeless and would be loved by anyone with a pulse.