PSO is: A:Highly Addictive B:Immense C:Well Designed D:A B and C The Answer's Obvious

User Rating: 9 | Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II GC
Phantasy Star Online: Episodes I and II is an excellent addition to an already excellent series. Combining class RPG elements and much of its own unique flavor, PSO comes off as a new but instant classic. My personal experience steams from the 330+ hours I have spent on this game and five years after buying it I will occasionally bring it out and dig up my old HUcast.

Gameplay – 7/10

The Gameplay itself in PSO is probably its largest flaw. The hack and slash action of the Hunter and Ranger classes can become repetitive and boring pretty quickly. This is where a frequently overlooked aspect can help. Each weapon type has a different feal to it along with a completely new look and attack sequence. The boss fights in PSO are very enjoyable however, and with multiple levels of difficulty you will not find yourself struggling to grind through waves and waves of monsters. The Storyline in PSO is highly immersive and the quest system will help you gradually progress through it, discovering the fate of the previous colonists along the way. Also I should mention that the class system appears simple however, with 4 subclasses for each class, character creation is a very interesting, but precise process.

Graphic – 9/10

The graphics in PSO rival even some of the most recent games for the gamecube. PSO contains hundreds of unique weapon, armor, mags, spells, and monsters graphics so you should not fall into boredom quickly, if at all.

Sound – 10/10

The music and sound effects in PSO are amazing, simply put. The soundtrack is so amazing that it still sells on Amazon for 55$ 3 years after it was released. Much of the actual sound effects have a retro feal to them, contributing greatly to its classic-RPG appeal.

Value – 10/10

Since you can buy PSO at most video game stores for under 10$ it is not a difficult choice to make. With plenty of replay value and 8 different levels of game play (Four in chapter One, Four in chapter Two) you will keep coming back for more.

Reviewer’s Tilt – 10/10

I am giving PSO a 10/10 because I believe it is a highly under-appreciated and I would highly recommend it to any RPG fans. While the online play is rampant with hackers, dupers, and cheaters in general, it still very enjoyable.