Pretty much the only online game for the Gamecube.

User Rating: 8.6 | Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II GC
Graphics- Well, it's quite dated, since it came from the Dreamcast. Magic and special attacks aren't very great, and the faces look drawn in. It's mostly the gameplay that got me hooked.
Gameplay- This is one of the only game for the Gamecube that has online play, but it's still good w/o it. The controls are quite simple to master, and the combo may take a little getting used to. There are many classes to choose from, each w/ its own distinct qualities. For example, hunters are very strong and use mainly swords, but rangers mainly use guns. The enemies in each level look different, but have similarities to other races from different areas. In other words, Evil Shark are like Boomas, but more quicker. The camera angles are the biggest problem. You don't have free control of the camera, and during boss battles, the map is pretty much the only way to get the boss's location.
Audio-Again, the music sounds dated, but the scores themselves are okay. Sometimes, the music is hard to be heard, and it gets forgettable.
Value- You can spend a lot of time playing this game, especially if you have friends over or if you have the online modem. But since only PSO uses the modem, I don't recommend buying it. Also, you get ep. 1 and 2, which is like getting two games for the price of one.
Tilt (Multiplayer)- Playing this game w/ friends is fun. But be warned, monsters are a little harder on multi mode. Online, I've heard rumors of hackers, another reason why I don't play on the net.