So addicting and the game that I have devoted the most hours to.

User Rating: 9.5 | Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II GC
Although this game is not the best game in a short burst, it is amazing in the long run. There are other games that I have played and absolutely loved, but after I beat them that was it, they just collected dust on my shelf. This game on the other hand I couldn't put down. I have put in hundreds of hours with my four characters, my main character has only leveled up to level 100 or so with above 200 hours in. One of the perks that kept me playing even after I had gotten slightly tired of the repetition was the fact that all of the monsters changed in Ultimate mode (the fourth and final level of difficulty). No game has held my attention for so long.And this is coming from someone that has only played offline play, I haven't even touched online! My biggest complaint is the monthly fee for online play, which made it so I could not enjoy this mode of play. Multiplayer is also excellent. You can choose between co-op (missions in which everyone starts at level one and works their way through each area and receive a special item upon completion), battle (free-for-all with various rules and maps), and standard play (the exact same as single player, just with more people).