A never ending addiction, even after 5 years.

User Rating: 10 | Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II GC
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II is a game to be reckoned with. I could never imagine playing a game for so long. A true RPG that fills so many gaps others don't have. It's one of a kind that you won't find anywhere else. The first and only real online game available for the Gamecube makes it more rewarding to play. With an endless amount of things to do in this game, you won't know when to stop. From building a character up, hunting for rare items, raising little units called mags, to playing through each difficulty to test your skill in a beautiful 3D environment. Something not very many RPG's have these days. You'll find yourself playing for hundreds if not thousands of hours with this game on a planet called Ragol. The ability to go online multiplies the possibilities even more. Thousands of people around the world to embark on new quests and areas. Even making friends along the way. New features you didn't know existed in the menu's and some options now become part of the way you play the game. The addiction is insane which will even boggle your mind.

Gameplay - 10/10
With 3 different types of classes to choose from and an overall 12 characters to pick from it gives you the choice to pick what you like to use. A plethora of options to make your character anyway you want. Their looks, colors and size being a few. Even the name you give your character has a huge role on what you will find throughout the game based on what Section ID your character is.

Able to store 4 characters per memory card, it gives you the chance to experience different classes and find out who you like and dislike and if you'll be spending a lot of your gameplay time raising one character as high as possible. Reaching a maximum level of 200 is a true feat in its own. One of the hardest things you'll ever do. Raising units called mags that aid you in battle and can help your characters stats. There being a total of 8 different stat categories. With four different difficulties and two different episodes to choose from and the inability to pause the game, it gives you the feeling of playing real time. A vast array of enemies to take arms against and fight strategically in order to advance farther, hunting rares along the way. Each difficulty representing a new challenge. With the ability to play with up to 3 other people, offline and online it gives more enjoyment and difficulty. The ability to trade amongst your characters and with other players gives you the experience of using and owning things you may never find. If you want some real action, play Battle mode with some friends or against others online to duke it out up to as many as 3 people. Many rules to pick from making the battle scenario different depending on how you want it.

Also Challenge mode for those that... well, want a challenge. Play through either of the episodes, going through the areas with limited items, and puzzles you have to figure out along the way. Team work is without a doubt a must here if you wish to get anywhere.

Control - 10/10
The controls are easy and every button is used often. Whether it requires 2 buttons to open other menu's or having the ability to customize the attack buttons any way you want, it gives you the choice to make which buttons you want to do what for smoother gameplay. Many different features to customize, such as shortcuts, a quick menu for your weapons, items and magic. Making the game more rewarding with the customization and extra features it has. Online provides even more control with hundreds of preset sentences to chat amongst other players. A keyboard menu that allows you type out what you want to say as well. With the ability to store Guild cards of your friends or others online, it helps keep track of those you enjoy gaming with.

Story - 8/10
Phantasy Star Online has a pretty easy following story. It's interesting to read as you play, learning more about what happens as you get farther into the game. Bits of information throughout the game filling in the gaps of what's actually happened on Ragol. Many quests to play that add to the story and make it more interesting. If you value story in games then Phantasy Star Online will surprise you with many cliffhangers as you play more and more to find out what's happening and how things end up. If a storyline doesn't matter to you, you don't even have to read it to play the game however you want.

Graphics - 10/10
Absolutely beautiful. One thing very many RPG's lack. With many things always moving around in the background it gives you the feeling of actually being there. The scenery is jaw dropping and will keep you amazed every time you run through an area. Every weapon has it's own elaborate design. Magic seeming like a work of art every time you cast it. Enemies having unique looks and designs as well.

Sound - 10/10
The music is just great. Each area having it's own orchestrated tune that keeps you relaxed and humming to it unknowingly at times. Magic, weapons and enemies all having their own unique little sound effects, giving you many things to listen too as you progress or lounge around chatting. Quests, certain events and special items have different music as well. Adding to the value of the game when you play it.

Replay Value - 10/10
This game has so much replay value it's not even funny. You'll be spending hundreds of thousands of hours on one character or hunting for one rare. Which may be a very small portion of what you'll be doing in the game. Playing the quests, going through each difficulty, experiencing different characters and how they differ from others all adds up to the amount of time you don't realize you've spent on one game. You could play single player forever and never get bored. But once you get online the value goes through the roof never giving you a thought to put another game in your Gamecube.

A perfect game. I have never played a game for so long in my life and I highly recommend this game to any RPG fan. I still play this game after 2 years and have no reason to quit now. I never had a thought of renting this game the first time I read about it and saw screen shots. A title every person should own in their library of games.