A beautiful reincarnation of the DreamCast title. Boosted Graphics and all the goodness of PSO make this a must have!

User Rating: 9.3 | Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II GC
A beautiful reincarnation of the original Dreamcast PSO. Though some might disagree I notice a considerable boost in the graphics and people are amazed when I tell them that this was a 1st Gen Dreamcast title, sadly it couldnt save the system and didnt really help Gamecube either. Still, I am a proud owner of this game, seeing as how its no longer produced and the servers are more often than not barren, save the Japan servers, and new PSO's are coming out which I am reluctant to try, except for PSO Universe that looks intriguing.

This game is nostalgic to me so I have a bias toward loving this game. I could sit and play it all day; whether that be online or offline. There is just so much to do and even if the dungeons get tedious and repeat often that you start to learn patterns its still a PSO game and I love it. The Combat system is unaltered...you msut be facing a target to shoot it at , it auto selects the closest target. Blah blah blah, if you know PSO you know what im talking about. Great graphics, a Musical Score to DIE for ( I highly recommend buying them they are excellent Go Sonic TEAM) and old job classes and characters that we all love and know so well. RAcast is my Fav!

Check it out if you havent already and if you havent already you must have lived in a barn or something.
